徐州市 2021—2022 学年度第二学期第一次模拟测 试九年级英语试题 (时间 100 分钟 满分 110 分) 一、选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.The children learned how to depend A.for themselves through the six months' training. B.with C.of D.on 2.Our monitor has just gone to the gym, but I don't know he will come back. A.how fast D.how soon B.how far C.how long 3.Tiny things always remind me of what really A.makes B.matters in our lives. C.manages D.minds 4.—Ellen,I could contact the customers for you if you want. — . A.OK.I'll take your advice. B.You are welcome. C.Thank you,but I can manage D.That sounds interesting. 5. of these two pairs of trousers looks good on me. Can you show me another pair? A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither 6.—I got a job in a sales company. —Great.Make yourself A.valuable so that they don't want to lose you. B.possible 7.Sorry,I'm afraid I A.mustn't 8.You can see the C.enjoyable D.comfortable complete the difficult task by myself. B.can't C.needn't D.shouldn't on people's faces when they talk about China's changes in the past 70 years. A.pride B.secret 9.If everyone puts in more effort,the tasks A.were finished B.are finished C.regret D.courage in five days. C.have been finished D.will be finished 10.—I think Wechat is not everything in our life. —I agree with you.We ought to know how to use it A.rapidly B.properly 11.The poor family A.has got D.simply much help from the neighbours since the family moved there. B.got 12.You should go to bed early tonight, A.so C.easily . B.or C.is getting D.gets we won't get to the railway station on time. C.but D.and 13.Rickey only work that excites him, even if it means turning down a lot of money. A.takes off B.takes out C.takes on I'm not sure my suggestion is helpful to you. D.takes up 14.— —It certainly is.Every little bit helps. A.why B.how C.whether D.where 15.Woman:Hello! This is the Customer Service Department.What can I do for you? Mr Jiang:My robot has caught a virus and it has gone wrong. Woman:I'm sorry to hear that.How long have you had it? Mr Jiang:For about two years. Woman:Would you like us to have it checked? Mr Jiang:Yes,please.Thanks. What will happen next? A.Mr Jiang will fix the robot by himself. B.Mr Jiang will get the money back. C.The robot engineer will contact Mr Jiang. D.The robot will take some medicine. 二、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 根据短文内容,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 We were silently waiting on the platform in the late afternoon.There he was,my 80-year-old 16 with his grey hair and there I was,a teenager girl in my jeans and T-shirt. His aged 17 eyes were taking in the scene.I was wondering 18 still clear blue was going to get through the next two days."Why did I agree to be with my strange grandpa on a 19 ride from our city to another?"I asked myself. No one else wanted to be the fellow traveler since my grandfather 21 20 to take a plane. him,I loved to fly because I wanted to get to the destination as quickly as possible. No matter what anyone told my grandfather about the comfort and safety of flying,he refused to 22 a flight,saying,"It's not just the trip.It's the adventure of getting there." With my first step onto the train,the journey was already train was modern and it was filled with 24 23 what I expected.The travelers.We all smiled and nodded to greet each other. My grandpa and I seated ourselves in the could enjoy food and drinks. 26 25 car.While watching the scenery pass,we listening to my music,I became a willing audience and I learned family history that I had never had the time or patience to learn about.I felt I him for the first time.I was 28 for our time together on the train. In this rapidly changing world,we often to 30 27 29 important moments.It is necessary for us and listen to elders who offer a piece of their history or experience. Life isn't just about the destination;it's about the journey. 16.A.teacher B.neighbour C.grandmother 17.A.and B.but C.as D.grandfat her D.so 18.A.how B.what C.why D.that 19.A.plane B.ship C.coach D.train 20.A.prepared B.agreed C.refused D.afforded 21.A.Unlike B.Expect C.Against D.With 22.A.order B.keep C.book D.check 23.A.good for B.different from C.similar to 24.A.patient B.curious C.friendly D.the same as D.generous 25.A.dining B.sleeping C.soft-seat D.hard-seat 26.A.Thanks to B.According to C.Because of 27.A.forgive B.understood C.believe D.

doc文档 33136440-江苏省徐州市树人初级中学2022年中考英语一模试卷.doc

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