Unit 7 How much are these socks——Section B 2a-2c 一、必背单词及与其关联的词和词组。 1.___________ pron.& adj.许多; 大量;多少(修饰不可数名词) →___________pron.& adj.许多(修饰可数名词) →___________(词组)多少 2.___________n.短袜→______________________一双短袜 3.___________ n.T 恤衫 4.___________n.短裤→______________________两条短裤 5.___________n.毛衣→(复数) ___________ 6.___________n.裤子→_____________________________一条裤 子 7.___________n.鞋→常用作复数___________ 8.___________n.裙子→___________n.连衣裙 9.___________n.元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$) 10.___________ adj.大的;大号的→(反义词) ___________adj.小 的;小号的 11.___________adj.短的;矮的→(反义词) ___________adj.长的 12.___________ (复数___________)n.女子→(对应词) __________ _ (复数___________)n.男子 13.___________v.需要→_________________________________ 需要做某事 14.___________v.看;看上去→__________________看起来很好 看→______________________看起来像 15.___________n.一双;一对→(短语) ______________________ 一双;一对 二、单句语法填空 1.He needs l      trousers;his are too short. 2.What color are your      (short)? 3.Do you like the blue      (shoe)? 4.This T-shirt is ten      (dollar). 5.There are five w      teachers in our school. 1.How much      (be) the trousers? 2.Lucy n      some food. She is hungry. 3.My sister l      very beautiful today. She wears a new sweater. 4.There are three people in his family. So he has a s    family. 5.Does Mary like the white      (sock)? 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我需要一双鞋子。 I need                    . 2.这条裙子很好看,我买下了。 This skirt      nice.          it. 3.——你想买什么吗? ——是的。我想买件毛衣。 —                    ? —Yes, please. I want a sweater. 4.这件上衣多少钱?              the coat? 5.——这顶帽子 12 元。给你。 ——谢谢。 —The       12 yuan. Here           . —Thank you. 四、根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。 A: Can I help you? B: (1) _______ I want to buy a T-shirt for my father. A: We have many T-shirts. (2)_______ B: Yellow. A: OK. (3)_ ______ B: Well, these T-shirts are too big. A: (4) _______ But we have small blue T-shirts. B: Blue is OK. Oh, this one is nice. A: Yes. (5)_______ B: Great! I’ll take it. A. And it is only 20 dollars. B. Sorry, we only have these yellow T-shirts. C. What color does your father like? D. Yes, please. E. Yellow T-shirts are here. 一、必背单词及与其关联的词和词组。 1.much; many; how much 2.sock; a pair of socks 3.T shirt 4.shorts; two pairs of shorts 5.sweater; sweaters 6.trousers; a pair of trousers 7.shoe; shoes 8.skirt ; dress 9.dollar 10.big; small 11.short; long 12.woman; women; man; men 13.need; need to do/doing sth. 14.look; look nice; look like 15.pair; a pair of 二、单句语法填空 1.long 2.shorts 3.shoes 4.dollars 5.women 6.are 7.needs 8.looks 9.small 10.socks 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.a pair of shoes  2.looks; I’ll take  3.Can I help you  4.How much is  5.hat is; you are 四、根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。 1-5 DCEBA

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