中考英语完形填空冲刺练习 (一) 完形填空 阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最 佳答案。 The day was growing darker and the rain was falling heavily. There wasn’t a ray of light(光线)in the room, or rather the whole city. I had to stay in Zhengzhou on my own ___1___ my grandpa’s sudden illness. This was the first time I had stayed at home by ___2__ for a few days. Unexpectedly, the heavy rainstorm made the situation(形势)even worse. I lay on the bed, lonely and fearfully. The only sound I could __3___ was the horns(喇叭)of the cars’ and the rain ___4__ . It felt as if the end of the world were coming. What a night! I could __5___ see anything. Suddenly, the ringing of the ___6__ broke the atmosphere(气氛)of fear. It was my mom. When I heard ___7__ warm voice coming from the other side of the phone, I practically burst into tears. She did not feel relaxed until she knew I was ___8__ . If there is any voice that can give you the comfort from the bottom of your heart, that must be the ___9__ of your mom. It was raining harder and harder. It __10__ that it didn’t mean to stop at all. Finally, I gradually fell asleep against the rain. I __11___ that I could see the sun through the dark clouds, and I also hoped that everybody could be ___12___. Thankfully, it was the ___13__ into my room through the curtains that woke me up the next day. __14___ is not frightening(可怕的). It is fearful that people can’t keep up after that and become frightened and confused. But just as the saying goes, “A party in trouble, assistance comes from all sides!(一方有难八方支援)” I’m __15___ that we Henanese will be even stronger after this rainstorm. 1. A. in fear of B. in front of C. because of D. instead of 2. A. himself B. myself C. herself D. itself 3. A. hear B. repeat C. forget D. mention 4. A. coming B. growing C. stopping D. falling 5. A. hardly B. completely C. exactly D. nearly 6. A. phone B. door C. clock D. window 7. A. his B. their C. her D. its 8. A. right away B. as usual C. all right D. no problem 9. A. noise B. shout C. sound D. voice 10. A. looked B. seemed C. added D. reported 11. A. agreed B. wished C. hoped D. advised 12. A. careful B. calm C. warm D. safe 13. A. sunshine B. rain C. cloud D. wind 14. A. Difficulty B. Disaster C. Problem D. Illness 15. A. thankful B. sure C. wise D. correct 参考答案:1-5 CBADA 6-10 ACCDB 11-15 CDABB (二) 完形填空 阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最 佳答案。 I didn't like history. I used to think it was boring 1 I was in Mr. Wilson's class last year. Mr. Wilson asked us to open our history books and 2 about how the ancient Egyptians used levers(杠杆的)to move very heavy stones. After we finished reading, he asked us 3 the Egyptians used levers rather than wheels. We weren't 4 , because the book really didn't tell us that. Mr. Wilson pointed out that it was 5 to know exactly what happened so many years ago. History is just 6 a big mystery. We have to try and fill in the blanks(空白)with what we 7 . “What else from history is like a mystery?” Mr. Wilson asked the class. “How did Abraham Lincoln 8 when he won the election(选举)?” said Sheila. “I think he was 9 ,” I replied. “He won the election.” “He was probably worried,” said Molly. “Because he knew what 10 were coming his way.” Even Matt raised his hand. He had never raised his hand in class before,so it gave us a(n) 11 . He said, “I think he was very proud of the work he had done.” “I think you are all 12 ,” said Mr. Wilson. “We could read some of his letters and speeches to try and find the 13 . However, we will never know for sure, because we will never have all of the 14 . That's why reading about history is like reading a mystery.” From that point on, I have 15 learning about history, because I like reading mysteries. 1. A. while B. if C. until 2. A. read B. write C. speak D. hear 3. A. when B. why C. what D. where 4. A. interested B. lucky 5. A. common B. awful 6. A. like 7. A. hope B. for D. after C. certain D. silent C. slow C. with B. plan D. hard D. about C. invent 8. A. succeed B. feel 9. A. nervous B. surprised C. happy D. afraid 10. A. chances B. problems C. rules D. interviews 11. A. hand C. appear D. know B. shock C. lesson 12. A. right B. popular 13. A. purpose B. secret 14. A. time 15. A. remembered 参考答案:1-5 CABCD B. money C. safe C. answer C. energy B. stopped 6-10 ADBCB C. enjoyed D. change D. example D. friendly D. thought D. information D. avoided 11-15 BACDC

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