中考英语完形填空冲刺练习 (一) 完形填空 阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最 佳答案。 I can remember clearly the day I arrived at the language camp where something magical happened to me. My heart was beating fast and I really wanted to tell my 1 to turn around, but we were entering the gate and I knew it was too late. I was going to be dropped off and 2 by myself at the age of nine for a whole week. At the gate to Skogfjorden, people started talking to me in Norwegian(挪威语). What had I gotten myself into? I couldn't understand any other 3 but English. We then went through the welcome stations where I picked a new name and had my bags checked. Next, I was sent to my room. I was upset all the time, wondering 4 I really could survive the whole week. Mom helped me unpack and organize my stuff, but then she had to leave. I was terrified to tears. But by the time I got back to my room where my roommate, Bob, was waiting for me with a smiling face, my eyes were 5 . I was so scared the first night that I had to call Mom, 6 she insisted I should learn to be independent. Right when I was feeling helpless, Bob's mom called and her words comforted me, “Isn't it 7 to know a bunch of kids of your age?” So it was! Leaving home meant I could connect with the rest of the world, know new people and explore new things. With this thought, the 8 began. Communicating in every way I could, I even found it 9 to get along with others. What's more, I learned a lot of Norwegian in only five days and grew to 10 this place. When my mom came to get me, I was excited to 11 her around all my favorite places. After the closing ceremony, I was so 12 to leave Skogfjorden and my new friends that I burst into tears again. I knew that I had to 13 the next summer—I was hooked(着迷的). Now, having been to Skogfjorden eight summers in a row, I cannot wait to 14 my little brothers to camp this summer. Maybe someday I will be a volunteer there to help kids take their first independent step away from home. I 15 know how they feel as their parents drop them off. I'm sure some of them will also become hooked on such experiences. 1. A. dad B. mom 2. A. saved B. left 3. A. language C. friends C. protected B. subject 4. A. unless B. why B. curious 6. A. so B. and 7. A. boring B. crazy 8. A. magic B. game 9. A. correct D. where D. open C. or D. but C. exciting C . plan D. useful D. task C. helpful C. love 11. A. find B. send 12. A. proud B. nervous C. lucky 13. A. give up B. set off 14. A. allow B. take C. show D. enjoyable D. refuse D. follow D. sad C. try on C. order 15. A. certainly B. probably C. hardly 参考答案:1-5 BBACC D. message C. dry B. difficult 10. A. remember B. change D. kept C. people C. if 5. A. special D. kids D. come back D. choose D. mainly 6-10 DCADC 11-15 CDDBA (二) 完形填空 阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最 佳答案。 When I was in second grade, my friend Resi and I walked to school together every morning. One morning, we took a shortcut and saw a young man, a 1.____, in the side yard of a house. He was chopping wood and whistling. We 2.____ who he was. We had never seen a foreigner before. “Do you think he is one of those 3.____?” Resi asked. We had heard the adults talk of a small group of Americans being held in an empty house in the village. Resi’s older sister told her that the men were 4.____ of war who had been caught by the German army. One morning, after about a week of us walking by, 5.____, and running away, the American looked up from his woodpile. He 6.____ and said, “Hi.” Was he talking to us? What did he say? We had no idea. We didn’t know any English. So, as usual, we 7.____. The next morning, Resi greeted me with the mysterious “Hi,” and I did the 8.____ in return. From then on, every time we passed 9.___, he waved and repeated his “Hi.” We waved back and said “Hi” in return. After another week, 10.____ we turned to leave one morning, he waved and said, “Bye-bye.” Another mysterious English word. We parroted it back: “Bye-bye.” Another week later, the man came a little 11._____ to the fence, pointed at his chest, and said, “Frankie.” “Frankie,” we repeated. Was that his name? 12.______ laughed and went back to the work. Resi and I became quite 13.____ with our “Hi, Frankie; Bye-bye, Frankie”. Sometimes we always stood and listened to the strange language. “You are my sunshine ....” he sang over and over, 14._____, until we could repeat it. One morning, Resi and I arrived at the house, but there was no Franki

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