新高中英语词汇语境记忆 Passage 1 Online Course Recently, due to the COVID-19, online course has become a heated topic at the moment, Different people hold different attitudes towards online course. Just as a saying goes, every coin has two sides, and this is no exception. For some, online course has become a trend. They are in favor of it for the reason that students can follow the teachers to keep their learning going and they may he interested in this new way of learning. Meantime, with the videos saved in the computer, students can review what they have learned at any time, which helps students make a reasonable schedule according to their ability and time. What's more, studying at home helps cultivate self-discipline However,for others, many students may play games while studying and waste their precious time. It is possible that students become addicted to phones, which has a severe impact on their study. What's worse. too much screen time does great harm to students eyes. From my point of view. we should make good use of online course to help us study and reduce the drawbacks to the minimum by setting limitations and enhancing teacher-student communication. It's an opportunity for us to brave the storm together and see our efforts pay off in time. Passage 2 Chinese Culture With more and more foreigners interested in learning mandarin and more and more Confucius institutes being built across the world, it is a symbol that Chinese culture enjoys a great prestige globally. With a long history, the ancient Chinese culture had a profound impact on many eastern and western countries. Take paper cutting for example. Dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, paper cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk arts. Paper cutting has presented multiple social values in cognition, amusement and communication and it was listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists in 2009. It can be seenin many important occasions, particularly in the Spring Festival and the wedding ceremony. It is used mainly as decorations to create a festive atmosphere. It is widely believed in China that red paper cuts can bring good luck and best wishes to the whole family. You won't find paper cutting difficult as long as you keep practicing it. The main material and tools include paper and scissors or a knife. But it does take time to master it with perfection. Paper cutting features a wide range of subjects, so one can create whatever he or she has in mind. If one wants to have a better understanding of colorful and prosperous Chinese culture, it is advised that he or she should pay a visit to China to explore and experience it in person. Passage 3 My Plan after Graduation With time going by, I have been in my senior high school for almost three years and it's time for me to bid farewell to my beloved school as well as adorable teachers and classmates. What I cherish is that I really enjoy my stay here and that I do get a lot during these three years, including making new friends, learning valuable knowledge and becoming more mature. After graduation, instead of idling away, I plan to take on a part-time job as a docent at the provincial museum. The reasons why I want to work as a docent are as follows. To begin with, I take a special interest in history and art. By acting as a docent, I am meant to get a deeper appreciation of art and have a better command of history. Meanwhile, I plan to major in history in college, so I can make full preparations for my future study. What's more, I can apply what I've learned in school to practice. I'm good at storytelling and remembering information, which are the basic skills for a docent. With regard to my long-term plan, I intend to further my study and get a master's degree, which helps me be adequately prepared for entering society and survive the fierce competition for job hunting. Besides, if possible, I will apply for an exchange student program in college to study abroad. It is clear that there will be many challenges ahead of me. I will act with determination and courage to fulfill my dream. As an old saying goes, “He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. " Passage 4 How Can We Stay Healthy? Recently, a novel coronavirus, which does great harm to people's health, has attacked the world. Therefore, I would like to talk about how we teenagers can improve our immunity. First of all, we must ensure that we possess a healthy diet, which will help our body get enough nutrition.*In addi

doc文档 32987021-高中英语3500词汇语境记忆1-10篇素材 2022届高考英语复习.doc

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