新高考读后续写高分素材--微技能之细节描写 读后续写 微技能之细节描写 1 高考中续写的文体主要为记叙文。顾名思义,记叙文主要以记叙事件为主,因此需要用到许多的细节描写 以使文章生动,言之有物。不少学生语言功底不错,但是续写始终得不了高分,其中一个原因可能就是细 节描写的缺乏。 那么,续写该如何写呢?我们应该做到兼顾概括描述和细节描述,而且要多用细节描述。所谓概括描述是 指对一个事件的总体描述,而细节描述则是对事件的具体描述,来对之前的总体描述进一步解释说明,这 样能够使得描述更加生动,有画面感。 举例: 如表达一个人的疲累时,可用概括描述:she felt exhausted. 同时辅以细节描述 She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet. 如果大家注意这些细节的描述,一定会为你的记叙文续写增色! “感到害怕”的细节描述 当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我感到很害怕。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ______________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: 1.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt very scared. 2. 1)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak. (嗓子发 紧,膝盖发软) 2)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹) 3)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating. (被深 深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗) 表感到兴奋 thrilled 当主持人宣布她获奖时,她兴奋极了。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 _____________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: 1.When the host announced that she won the prize, she felt thrilled. 2. 1) When the host announced that she won the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement.(激动得两眼放光) 2) When the host announced that she won the prize, her heart was thumping with excitement. (激动得心砰砰跳) 3) When the host announced that she won the prize, a wide excitement took hold of her. (兴奋不能自已) 感到悲伤”的细节描述 一听到那个坏消息,她悲伤不已。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 _____________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: 1. Upon hearing the bad news, she felt extremely sad. 2. 1)Upon hearing the bad news, her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks. (心痛,眼泪直流) 2)Upon hearing the bad news, she, numb with grief, had trouble speaking. (悲伤到失去知觉,不能开口说话) 3)Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤 之感控制,忍不住哭泣) “感到开心”的细节描述 当妈妈亲吻他时,小 baby 开心极了。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ______________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: 1.When his mother kissed him on the cheek, the baby was happy/delighted/full of joy. 2.1) When his mother kissed him on the cheek, it seemed as if the baby were on top of the world. (非常开心) 2) When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, his face beamed and his bright smile lit up the room. (眉开眼笑; 笑容照亮房间) 3) When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, his eyes danced with joy and sweetness. (欢欣雀跃) "感到羞愧"的细节描述 她感到非常羞愧。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ___________________________________________________________________________ (答案见底部 Key 1) 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1)_________________________________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ (答案见底部 Key 2) 参考答案: Key 1: She felt ashamed. Key 2: 1) She felt so ashamed that she could feel her face burning.(脸上滚烫) 2) So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face. (血液涌上脸颊) 3) So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears. (快哭了) “感到生气”的细节描述 Sheldon 感到非常生气。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ______________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: Key 1: Sheldon felt very angry. Key 2: 1) Sheldon felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him. (冲出房间;狠 狠摔门) 2) Boiling with rage, Sheldon shook his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头) 3) Filled with fury, Sheldon was unable to utter a single word. (充满愤怒;说不出话) “感到绝望”的细节描述 Tony 感到很绝望。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ______________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ 3) _______________________________________ 参考答案: Key 1: Tony felt hopeless/desperate

docx文档 13112486-读后续写和概要写作讲义 读后续写高分素材--微技能之细节描写.docx

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