UNIT 10 单元测试 时间:100 分钟 满分:100 分 一、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain(谷雨),as the last term in spring,starts on April 19 and ends on May 4. Grain Rain comes from the old saying,“Rain brings the growth of hundreds of grains”,which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Here's something that you may not know about Grain Rain. 1. Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer,and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds,sandstorms may happen more often. 2. There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would stop bad luck. 3. People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin. 4. The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen's first voyage(航海) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2,000 years ago. ( )1. When Grain Rain ends,which season will start? A. Summer.        B. Spring. C. Fall. D. Winter. ( )2. What does the underlined word “crops” refer to? A. Flowers in the garden. B. Trees in the forest. C. Fish in the sea. D. Plants in the field. ( )3. What can the people in southern China do on the day of Grain Rain? A. Eat toona sinensis. B. Fly a kite. C. Drink tea. D. Start the first voyage. ( )4. Which of the following is true about “toona sinensis”? A. It can bring good luck. B. It is delicious and healthy. C. It grows at the seaside. D. It is a type of medicine. ( )5. Which is the right order of the titles from 1 to 4 ? a. Eating toona sinensis b. Sandstorms happen c. Grain Rain Festival d. Drinking tea A. bdca B. badc C. bcad D. bdac B We all love festivals. But since culture develops differently in many places,some festivals are,to us,very strange. Let's take a look at some unique(独 特的) festivals around the world. Cheese Rolling Festival(England) The festival started about 600 years ago in May. When a round cheese is rolled,competitors run down the hill and try to catch it before it reaches the bottom. As the cheese can reach speeds of up to 112 km/h,people seldom catch the cheese. The first to the bottom wins the cheese. But running down a very steep(陡峭的) hill behind a cheese can be dangerous. Eight people were injured in 1992. Roswell UFO Festival(New Mexico,US) The Roswell UFO Festival celebrates the anniversary(纪念日) of the “Roswell Incident”,when a UFO was said to have crashed(坠毁) nearby. Every year in July,experts,authors and lecturers come to discuss the incident. The celebration also includes an alien parade,an alien costume contest,and an alien hot air balloon ride. Hemingway Days(Florida,US) This festival has normal material like short story readings and exhibits about the author. But the highlight(亮点) of the festival is surely the Hemingway lookalike contest. Imagine walking into a bar and being greeted by 20 middleaged men who all look alike: stocky with thick white beards. The festival takes place in midJuly every year. ( )6. Which of the following activities is not the celebration of the Roswell UFO Festival? A. An alien parade. B. An alien costume contest. C. An alien hot air balloon ride. D. An alien air crash. ( )7. Which festival may cause injuries according to the passage? A. Cheese Rolling Festival. B. Roswell UFO Festival. C. Hemingway Days. D. None of the above. ( )8. When may the first Cheese Rolling Festival be held? A. In the 6th century. B. In the 14th century. C. In the 15th century. D. In the 16th century. ( )9. Which of the following is right according to the passage? A. All the three festivals are celebrated in America. B. It's common that someone catches the cheese in Cheese Rolling Festival. C. It's said that a UFO once crashed near New Mexico, US. D. In Hemingway Days,you'll see 20 old or young Hemingways. ( )10. In which part can we see the passage in a newspaper? A. News. B. Education. C. Culture. D. Sport. C Two years ago,I got a job in a ChineseCanadian company in Vancouver. One day my new boss said he would invite me to lunch to celebrate my new job in

doc文档 33110283-Unit 10 单元测试 2021-2022学年人教版英语九年级全册.doc

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