新概念英语第一册 1—16 课综合测试题 姓名________ 一、单词翻译(15 分): 请写出对应的英文翻译 1、 短裙__________ 2、你的__________ 3、出租车_________ 4、谢谢_________ 5、女孩__________ 6、谁的__________7、鸡蛋__________8、黄色__________ 9、橙子__________10、苹果__________ 11、黑板__________12、看见__________ 13、书__________14 妈妈__________15、伞__________ 2、请写出对应的中文翻译 16、postman__________17、what__________18、father__________19、clean_____ ____ 20、policewoman__________ 21、little_________ 22、milk________23、Dan ish__________ 24、Japanese________ 25、housework__________26、keyboard__ _______ 27、big___________ 28、Korean_________29、engineer___________30、ca se__________ 二、根据要求变换(30 分): 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit down(反义词) ________ __ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________7、white(反义词) _____ _____ 8 、 she( 名 词 性 物 主 代 词 ) ________ 9 、 desk( 复 数 ) __________ 1 0、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、tomato(复数) __ ________13、upstairs(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________ 15、fat(反 义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:(10 分) 1.These are watches .(改为单数句子)_________________________________________ ______ 2.Whose shirt is that?(改为复数句子)_________________________________________ _____ 3.This is my pencil.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) ____________________________ _______ 4.Mr. Zhang is an English teacher.(对画线部分提问) __________________________ ________ 5. Is, the, kitchen. in, the, refrigerator (连词造句)_______________________________ ____ 四、选择填空 选择题。(20 分) ( ) 1.Look ____that girl. So fat! A. at B. in C.on D.to ( ) 2. Nice ___you. A.see B. to see C.seeing D.sees ( ) 3. I’m a teacher . Are you a teacher,___ ? A..please B.too C.and D.not ( ) 4.-----_________? ----She is a keyboard operator. A.What’s her name B.What nationality is she C.What colour is she D.What is her job ( ) 5.We are in______grade. A.same B. a same C.an same D.the same ( ) 6.----Are these your coats? ----_________. A. Yes, I am B. Yes , they are C. Yes , they are’t D. NO, they are our coats ( ) 7. Sam and Tom are ______. A . friends B.friend C. twin D.sale ( ) 8. What are their ______? A. job B.jobs C. job’s D jobs’ ( ) 9. Please come ____and sit ____. A. on; down B . in; down C. in up D. up; in ( ) 10. John is _____American boy A. the B. a C. an D. / 五、用所给词的相应形式填空:(每题 1 分,共 5 分) 1、 Let_____(we) go now. 2、 I am doing ______ (I)homework,and they are doing ______(they). 3、 _____(she) is _____(he) mother. 4、 --What is _____(you) job? --____ am a teacher. 5、 Please pass(传递) _____(I) the black case,thank ____( you) very much. 六、用恰当的词填空(5 分): 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re ___________. 2. That is my English magazine. Give(给) it to __________, please. 3. --- Is that boy tall ? --- No, he isn’t. He is very__________. 4. My husband like bananas. I like bananas, ___________ 5. I like red very much. So red is my favorite(最喜欢的)_______ . 七.为下列疑问句选择正确答语,将对应的答案填写在左边括号里(15 分): ( ) 1. Whose shirt is this? ( )2. Come and see my new bedroom. ( ) 3. Who is this young man? ( ) 4. Where are my tickets? ( ) 5. What are the children doing? ( ) 6. Can you make the tea, Sam? ( ) 7 Do you like beef or lamb? ( ) 8 Is this your handbag, Alice? ( ) 9 How are you today? ( ) 10 What’s your job? ( ) 11 What colour are your new shoes? ( ) 12 What are their jobs? ( ) 13 How do you do? ( ) 14 What nationality are you? ( ) 15 Excuse me! a. We’re Chinese. b. No, my bag is blue. c. Yes, I can. d. Thank you, sir. e. Perhaps it is Tim’s. f. They’re red. g. Beef,please. h. I’m very well, thank you. i. How do you do? j. They’re policemen. k. I’m a nurse. l. Yes? m. They’re playing in the garden. n. They’re on the desk. o. He is our officer. 八. 附加题: (5 分) Lucy and Lily are girls. They look the same. They are both 1.60 meters tall. Th ey have round faces, big eyes and long hair. They often wear the same coats. They are in the same class-Class 5. They both get up at six o'clock. After brea kfast they walk to school together. But they have some differences. Lucy is lov ely and open. She talks a lot. Lily is quiet and gentle. She talks a little. Lucy lik es fruit but Lily likes meat. Lucy is good at English, and Lily is good at Chinese . They both work hard. 1. Lucy and Lily are________. A. friends B. sisters C. students D. twins 2. Lucy and Lily are________. A. in the same grade B. thirteen C. very beautiful D. very tall 3. From the passage we know that________. A. they have breakfast before six B. their home is near (近) school C. they have big eyes and short hair D. they like fruit very much 4. Their characters (性格) are________ A. the same B.

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