保密*启用前 湛江市 20 22 年普通高考测试 (一) 注意事项: 英语 2022. 3 1. 答卷前 ,考生务必将 自己的 姓名、准考证号填写 在答题 卡上。 2. 回答选择题时 ,选出每小题答 案后 ,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的 答案标号 涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮 擦干净后 ,再选涂其他答案标号 。回答 非选择题时 ,将 答 案 写在 答 题 卡 上 ,写在本试卷 上无效。 3. 考试结 束后 ,将本试卷 和答题 卡一并交 宝 玉 芯 烹 茫 回。第一部分阅读( 共 两 节 ,满 分 50 分 ) 第一节 (共 15 小 题 ;每 小 题 2. 5 分 ,满 分 37. 5 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从 每 题 所 给 的 A 、B、C 、D 四个 选 项 中选 出最佳 选项 。 A Amazing Train Journeys The Beijing to Lhasa Express, China Depa rt s daily ; Dis t ance— 2 , 330 miles ; D ur a tion—40 ho urs Linking the royal wonders of Beijing with the dreamlike palaces of L has a , the Z21 train travels from the modern it y of urban China to a once- re mot e land. Running westward, the train climbs nearly 16,400 ft (5,000 m) on it s journ ey to the roof of t h e world: the T ibet an P latea u. London to Fort William on the Caledonian Sleeper, UK Depa rt s daily ; Dis t ance— 50 9 mile s ; Dura t ion—13 ho urs 30 minutes This overnight train jo urn ey is filled with t he romance of rail t ravel. It ' s just a pity that the whole expe rience from dining -ca r chatting and light beer , to being ca rr ie d into a la-la land by t he rhythm of t h e rails and waking to beds ide views of 扣 岩 towering peaks feels like it ' s over in a flash. Though it may be short, the Caledonian is s ur ely Brita in ' s bes t train ride. Tazara Railway, Tanzania and Zambia Depart s t wice a week; Dis t ance— 1 , 1 60 miles ; D ura t ion—46 hours Few trains offer the chance of spotting big ga me fr om your seat , but the Tazara Railw ay does exactly that. For many, the highlight is neit her t he scenery nor the wildlife, though; it ' s the cha nce to spend two days watching everyda y lif e out of the window, and enjoying the cro w ds and chaos when the t rai n pulls to a s to p. Perurail's Lake Titicaca Railway, Peru Departs twice a week; Dis t ance— 241 miles; Duration—10 hours Traveling across the Altiplano, from the shores of Lake Titicaca to the beating heart of the Inca capital, the railway from Puno to Cuzco cuts a picturesque path through the snow -d us t ed peaks and fantastic valleys of the Andes. Passengers can enjoy the landscape from an open-air observatory car, as they travel through remote towns and villages. 1. What do the first two train journeys have in common? A. They make weekly departure. B. They are over a thousand miles. C. They travel to highlands. D. They are the lon gest train rides nationwide. 2. On which journey can passengers watch people's daily lif e outside the train? A. Tazara Railway. B. The Beijing to Lhasa Express. C. Perurail's Lake Titicaca Railway. D. London to Fort William on the Caledonian Sleeper. 3. What can passengers do on Perurail's Lake Titicaca Railway? A. Travel around Lake Titicaca. B. Admire the view in the open air. C. Go through two countries on a journey. D. Have a deep understanding of towns and villages. B A hungry badger ( 猫 ) searching for food seems to have uncovered what turned out to be hundreds of Roman coins in a Spanish cave, according to a new study. Archaeologists (考古学家) first discovered several coins laying on the ground at the entrance to a small cave in the woodlands outside Grado in northern Spain in Apr il 2021. The researchers suspect that the coins were unearthed by a badger from a nearby den ( 兽 窝 ) after a heavy snow which made it harder for animals to find food. The hungry badger probably got into the cave looking for food but came across the coins instead. After fully explor ing the cave, researchers co llect ed 209 coins dating to between the third and fifth centuries A. D. "To date, this is the larges t amount of Roman coins found in a cave in northern Spain," the researchers wrote in their paper. They described the discovery as an "exceptional find". In the late 1930s, a collection of 1 4 gold Roman coins, known as the Chap 叩 treasure, was also found in the same woodlands. The researchers believe that local people may have bur ied their coins to keep them safe during a period of intense political i ns ta b 山 t y in the region. The most recent coin in the new ly 心 s covered Grado collection da tes to A. D. 430 , which was after the Suebi — a group of Germanic people originally from mod e rn - da y Germany and the Czech R epub l ic pushed the Romans out of Spain in A. D. 409, according to El Pais. The resea rchers suspect that the newly- dis cover ed coins are part of a vaster treasure and will return to the cave for further exploration to look for more coins and evide

doc文档 32863636-2022届高三湛江市普通高考测试(一) (一模)英语试题.doc

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