冲刺 2022 人教版中考英语-基础总复习(3) 【教学内容:重点短语-巩固提高】 1. ____________跑步锻炼 3. ____________赶公共汽车 5. ____________穿西服/套装 2. ______________- 跑着去做某事 4. _____________- 拍电影 6. ______________表达差异 / 结果 7. ____________添加信息 8. _______________同时 9._____________一个石头圈 10. ____________不仅…而且… 11.______________ 英国最著名的的 历史名胜 12.______________接待 10 多名游客 13._______________ 在一年中最长的那天 14.______________古代领导者 15.______________一群… 17. ______________与上帝交流 19. _______________ 指出 16._____________-有点晚儿 18______________许多世纪前 20. ____________ 一种日历 答案: 1. run for exercise 跑步锻炼 3. catch a bus 赶公共汽车 5. wear a suit 穿西服/套装 2. run to do sth. 跑着去做某事 4. make a movie 拍电影 6. express a difference / result 表达差异 / 结果 7. add information 添加信息 8. at the same time 同时 9. a rock circle 一个石头圈 10. not only …but also…不仅…而且… 11.Britain’s most famous historical places 英国最著名的的 历史名胜 12.receive more than 10 visitors 接待 10 多名游客 13.on the longest day of the year 在一年中最长的那天 14. ancient leaders 古代领导者 15. a group of… 一群… 16.. a bit late 有点晚儿 17. communicate with the gods 与上帝交流 18 so many centuries ago 许多世纪前 19. point out 指出 20. a kind of calendar 一种日历 【课堂训练一:短文填空】 从下面方框中选出 10 个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通 顺(每词限用一次)。 excite appear imagine shut age quick frighten push they worry expect drive Last Tuesday I took my two daughters, 1 five and seven, to town by car. It began to rain heavily so I decided to leave the children in the car before I went 2 into a shop. I warned the girls not to touch anything and told them I would be back within a few minutes. Then I locked all the doors and left 3 happily looking out of the window. I returned to the car in less than five minutes but the girls had 4 ! I could hardly believe my eyes. The car doors were still locked, the windows were 5 and on the back seat were only two coats. Being 6 , I ran to the corner of the street where there was no sign of them. I rushed up to an old lady nearby and asked whether she had seen two small girls, but she said “No”. Feeling quick sick with fear, I sat on the 7 seat, and tried to stop me from shaking. Suddenly, I heard a merry laugh behind me. I got out of the car, ran round to open the boot(后备箱) and there inside were two very red-faced and 8 girls. They had obviously pulled out the back seat, climbed behind it and then been unable 9 the seat forward again. With tears in my eyes, I leaned(前俯) forward and pulled their ears. You may think perfectly about anything, but you can’t expect something 10 to happen. 【答案】 1. aged 2. quickly 6. frightened 7. driver’s 3. themselves 8. excited 4. disappeared 9. to push 5. shut 10. unexpected 【课堂训练二:阅读表达-表格填空】 When you wake up in the middle of the night with a nightmare( 噩梦), you must be very scared. Don’t be in fear because it’s just a bad dream. Well, maybe you’ve gotten a chance to relax, because nightmares might actually be good for you. According to New York Magazine, bad dreams can improve your mental(心理的) health. Most nightmares come from real-life worries, such as an upcoming exam, or terrible things you’ve seen. To reduce these worries, the brain turns the dream into a story in the form of a bad dream. So a bad dream can keep you away from anxieties( 忧虑 ), and turn something you’re worried about now into a memory. The result is that when you wake up you’re able to move forward and face the future. A study in The Atlantic Magazine, showed similar results. In a survey of more than 700 French students taking a medical school entrance exam, over 60 percent had bad dreams about the test the night before. These included not finishing on time, leaving a question blank , or being late. Those who reported dreams about the exam, even bad ones, did better on it than those who didn’t. It shows that nightmares can actually help us prepare for the future. So, the next time you wake up at night after a bad dream, it may be the brain is putting your fears behind you and readying you for the future. Although a nightmare may make you afraid for a short time, it may help you get out of the bad things. We should try to accept our nightmares rather than allow them to keep us awake. Nightmare Cause: real-life worries 1 : the upcoming exam New York Magazine something terrible that have been seen The role of the brain: get rid of your anxiety turn a bad dream into a story Respondent(对象): French students taking the exam The Atlantic Magazine Time: 2 the exam Number: more than 700 3 : over 60% of students with bad dreams did better in the exam The benefits ◆A night

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