Unit 4 单元测试 时间:100 分钟 满分:100 分 一、单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) 1. Stephen Hawking once said that man could make a spacecraft that could travel___ a speed of nearly 300, 000 kilometres a second. A. with   B. on   C. at    D. for 2. —Andy practiced the hardest among us and he won first prize in the competition. —A dream can't come true ___ hard work. A. by  B. across C. over  D. without 3. [易错题]About ___ of the students in our school ___ League members. A. three fourths;is B. three fourth;is C. third fourths;are D. three fourths; are 4. China is getting better at making hitech products ___ can be bought in all parts of the world. A. who B. what C. which  D. where 5. — You needn't take a raincoat. It isn't going to rain. —Well, I am not sure. It ___ rain. A. should  B. need C. might  D. will 6. —What happened to the students? —The heavy rain ___ them ___ getting to school on time. A. changed; into   B. divided; into C. prevented; from  D. took; from 7. A survey about why teenagers like pop stars so much was ___ in our school last week. A. carried out  B. turned out C. watched out  D. passed out 8. Grandma is over a hundred years old, but her memory is ___ good ___ she can still remember her early life. A. such; that  B. as; as C. so; that  D. too; to 9. —Tom speaks Chinese quite well now. —Yes, he has made ___ progress in Chinese learning. A. common B. simple C. no D. rapid 10. —___ Why didn't you watch the final of the football competition last night? —I was discussing the history project with my friends at that time. A. What a pity!   B. Well done! C. I agree.   D. How exciting! 二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 20 分) A Are you a fan of travelling? Well, in the future, there may be a new place for you to spend your ___11___-the moon. The European Space Agency (ESA) published ideas for ___12___ an international moon village by 2030. It helps open the door for deeper space exploration (探索), ___13___ it will also be a tourist centre. In 1969 after Neil Armstrong first arrived in the moon, he said the famous words “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. _14__ the head of the ESA, Johann, the moon village could be “the next giant leap for mankind”, because the technology for this is about 20 years away from coming true. “One of the___15___challenges ( 挑 战 ) is getting the building materials into space___16___costing too much, ” said Matthias from the German Aerospace Centre. Scientists ___17___ using the ice water and rocks on the moon to print 3D building materials, so people don't have to carry ___18___ from the Earth. When someone asked why the ESA chose the moon instead of Mars, Johann said they did this ___19___ the moon is about 144 times closer to the Earth than Mars. The ESA___20___ the US, Russia, China and some other countries to join in its moon plan. It hopes that in the future, the moon can become a place where the countries of the world work together. 11. A. food  B. vacation  C. house  D. car 12. A. building  B. buying C. staying  D. visiting 13. A. or  B. so  C. but  D. and 14. A. For example  B. According to C. Instead of  D. Such as 15. A. smallest  B. easiest C. funniest  D. biggest 16. A. without B. with  C. from  D. by 17. A. mind  B. advise  C. like  D. hate 18. A. something  B. nothing C. everything  D. some 19. A. why  B. what C. because  D. where 20. A. refused  B. accepted C. sent  D. invited B The solar system is made up of the ___21___ that orbit the sun. We have eight planets in the solar system. Planets in our solar system are very ___22___, but they all orbit around the sun. The sun is a star, a huge ball of hot gas that gives___23___ heat and light. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, and has a very barren(贫瘠的) ___24___ covered with meteorite craters(陨石坑). It's very hot. Venus is the brightest and hottest planet in the solar system, and has a very hard rocky surface. ___25___ is the planet which has life, and where we all live. Earth is the 5th largest planet in the solar system, and has a hard, rocky surface. Around 71 percent of the earth is covered with ___26___. Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system, and has a rough and dry surface. It's also called the red planet. Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is called a gas giant planet, ___27___ it's composed mostly of hydrogen and helium(氦气). Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, and

doc文档 33112190-Unit 4 单元测试 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语九年级下册.doc

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