期末通关总复习-八年级下册-人教版初中短语及习题练习 (一) Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 【教学目标:重点短语-复习巩固】 1. ________________造成麻烦 2.__________________ 立刻;马上 3.__________________ 由于 4. __________________-离开;从……出萍 5. _________________ 受伤 6. ________________用绷带包扎 7. _________________ 摔倒 8. _________________感到恶心 9._________________- 流鼻血 10. __________________割伤他的膝盖 11._________________把她的头向后仰 12. _________________ 呼吸困难 13. ___________________-登山运动 14._________________--习惯做某事 15. ___________________用完;用尽 16. ___________________--以便 17._________________- 如此… …以至于… 18.__________________ 掌管;管理 19. __________________在闲境屮 20. ________________- 继续或坚持做某事 答案: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. get into trouble 造成麻烦 right away 立刻;马上 because of 由于 get out of 离开;从……出萍 hurt oneself 受伤 put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 fall down 摔倒 feel sick 感到恶心 have a nosebleed 流鼻血 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 put her head back 把她的头向后仰 have problems breathing 呼吸困难 mountain climbing 登山运动 be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 run out (of) 用完;用尽 so that 以便 so. . . that 如此… …以至于… be in control of 掌管;管理 in a difficult situation 在闲境屮 keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 【课堂训练一:首字母填空】 1. Although it's normal to want successful children, it's more i_____ to have happy children. 2. I get such a strong feeling of s_______ when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owner's faces. 3. The news reporter said , " Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago.” My parents were c_________ shocked! 4.V________ in an old people's home to help others is a dream for me. 5.As we all know, the fourth day of the week is W__________. 6.Being too d______ on their parents, some young people can't make a living on their own. 7. My classmates had an a________ with our teacher about wearing the school uniform. They didn't want to wear it every school day. 8.“Boys and girls, help y_________ to some candies, please!” Aunt Smith said. 9. Sixty percent of the volunteers liked the plan while forty percent of them were strongly a________ it. 10.S_________ we are friends, let's work together to solve the problem. 答案: 1-10:important satisfaction completely Volunteering Wednesday_ dependent argument yourselves against Since 【课堂训练二:完成对话】 完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词 (含缩写词)。按编号把答案依次填入下边的表格内。 A: Hi, John. How was your trip to the South? B: To be honest, we didn’t enjoy it at all. And the 1 is that it was a terrible experience. A: What happened? B: We were caught by a rainstorm on the half way. A: How 2 you were! The weather report on the radio said that a heavy rainstorm was coming in that area many times. Didn’t you listen to it? B: I 3 the weather program because my radio wasn’t working those days. When we started out, the 4 of the sun was very poor. Several hours later, the wind began to blow. Then it began to rain heavily. A: I’m afraid you couldn’t make your way. It’s dangerous to drive in a rainstorm. B: Yes, we had no other ways. The rain was 5 heavy that we couldn’t drive. It beat 6 the window of the car, and we couldn’t see the way ahead 7 . A: So it is better to stop and wait until the rain dies down. B: Yes. If we 8 our trip, we might ended up in an accident. What’s more, we could see some fallen trees, broken billboard (广告牌) on he way. A: A rainstorm always breaks a lot of things apart and causes some accidents. B: At that time, we 9 that we would have to spend the whole night in the car on the road. A: Next time you’d better listen to the weather report before you go out for a trip. B: You’re right. I must 10 sure that the radio is working well after this unusual experience. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 答案: 1. truth/fact 2.careless 3.missed 4. light 5. so 6. against 7. clearly 8. continued 9.realized 10.make 【课堂训练三:阅读理解】 Bullying(欺凌)can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help. What is bullying? Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes; ·calling people mean(恶意的)names ·laughing at people ·telling lies about people ·taking someone’s things without permission(允许) ·not letting someone play in a group ·hitting people What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying includes: ·sending bad messages online ·sharing photos online without permission ·not letting someone be part of an online group ·spreading lies online What can you do? If someone is not kind to

doc文档 33692318-期末Unit 8 总复习-2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册.doc

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