UNIT 2 单元测试 时间:100 分钟 满分:100 分 一、阅读理解(20 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 40 分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料, 然后按文后要求做题。 A   This festival takes place in South Africa, and it has a history of over 100 years. This street festival is one of the world's largest festivals. It is celebrated by thousands of people with bright clothes on January 2 every year. If you come to Cape Town Minstrel Carnival, you will like the dance party full of music to welcome the new year.   Holi Festival is the festival full of colors. For this reason, it is also known as the Festival of Colors. It is a holiday of ancient Hindu marking the victory of good over evil (邪恶). Holi is celebrated on March 23 in India every year. The festival begins with a campfire night and is followed by a morning full of colorful powders (粉末).   As one of the national holidays, the most popular in the Netherlands (荷兰), King's Day marks the birthday of King Willem Alexander. The festival is celebrated on April 27 every year. On King's Day, you will experience the market of the whole country and giant concerts outdoor in Amsterdam. On this day the Dutch celebrate by dressing in orange clothes (national color). ( )1. Why do thousands of people celebrate Cape Town Minstrel Carnival? A. To celebrate the harvest. B. To welcome the new year. C. To fight against evil. D. To celebrate the birthday of the king. ( )2. What's the common feature (共同点) of these three festivals? A. A crowd of people come out to celebrate together. B. These festivals always make us rethink sad memories in the history. C. They are celebrated every four years. D. These three festivals are all new starts. ( )3. What can we infer (推断) from the sentence “…a morning full of colorful powder. ”? A. Holi people don't like white or black. B. Only children like playing with colors. C. People use the colorful powders to paint on the buildings and walls. D. Holi people play with colors (watercolors or colorful powders) with their friends and families. ( )4. What's the national color of the Netherlands? A. Red. B. White. C. Orange. D. Blue. ( )5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. There is a dance party full of music on Cape Town Minstrel Carnival. B. Holi Festival is famous as the festival of colors. C. The Dutch celebrate by dressing in orange clothes. D. Indians like King's Day very much. B In many countries around the world,May 1st is a holiday which is called Labor Day or Workers' Day. It is an interesting holiday that honors working people and their jobs. But do you know how it started? During the late 1880s,in many parts of the world,people worked for fourteen to sixteen hours a day in factories,but made very little money. Later,in the United States and Canada,working people got together to set up unions. The union (工会) leaders asked factory bosses for shorter working time and higher salaries (工资),but many of the bosses__▲__. On May 1st,1886,men and women in the United States and Canada stopped working and went onto the streets. They walked through cities and towns to force bosses to let them work eight hours a day. In the city of Chicago,several people died in fighting with the police. Over the next few years,people in cities around the world stopped working on May 1st to honor(尊敬) the workers everywhere. By the early twentieth century,the first of May became a national holiday in many countries. However,in the United States and Canada,May 1st is not a holiday. North Americans celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September. Today in the United States,Labor Day is mostly about having fun. People enjoy a long weekend and often celebrate it by having picnics with friends or family. In many parts of the United States,Labor Day is also the last day of summer vacation,and students return to school the next day. ( )6. How long did people work a day in factories in the late 1880s? A. For 8—10 hours.    B. For 10—12 hours. C. For 12—14 hours. D. For 14—16 hours. ( )7. Which can be the best for __▲__? A. Refused their ideas. B. Accepted their ideas. C. Agreed with them. D. Understood them. ( )8. What does the underlined word “force” mean? A. 感激 B. 迫使 C. 宣扬 D. 欣赏 ( )9. Which is the right order of the following events? ①Working people began to fight for better life. ②People stopped working on May 1st to honor workers. ③Working people set up unions. A. ①②③ B. ②①③ C. ③②① D. ③①② ( )10. How do people often celebrate Labor Day in America nowadays? A. By working all day. B. By giving gifts to working people. C. By

doc文档 33111519-Unit 2 单元测试 2021-2022学年人教版英语九年级全册.doc

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