外研版四年级上册 module10 语法专项检测卷 一、按要求写出单词。 1. 新年 (短语) __________ 2. 在圣诞节 (短语) __________ 3. new (反义词) __________ 4. family (复数) __________ 5. China (形容词) __________ 二、英汉互译。 (1)一位很棒的厨师________ (2)做饭________ (3)wash some  vegetables________ (4)I can't wait________ (5)in the fridge________ 三、读句子,选出与句中画线单词同类的一项. A. year B. give C. Christmas D. peanuts E. happy [ ] 1. I like sweets. [ ] 2. Today is Halloween. [ ] 3. We sing songs at Christmas. [ ] 4. I'm going to visit my grandpa this month. [ ] 5. We wish you a merry Christmas. 四、根据首字母填单词。 1. The Spring Festival is the C_______ New Year. 2. At the Spring Festival, we have a big f_______ dinner. 3. At Christmas, we sing s_____ __. 4. At Christmas, we e_______ some food. 5. The book is a_______ food. 五、给下列单词选择相应的中文翻译,只填序号。 ( )(1) well A. 不好,坏的 B. 好的,健康的 ( )(2) next A. 下一个;其次的 B. 上一个的 ( )(3) M r A. 女士 B. 先生 ( )(4) special A. 特别的 B. 普通的 ( )(5) top A. 底部 B. 顶部 ( )(6) ago A. 以前,以往 ( )(7) bad A. 好的 B. 坏的 ( )(8) week A. 天 B. 周,星期 ( )(9) bump A. 切,割 B. 碰,撞 ( )(10) every 六、语言交际. A. 每个,每一 [来源:学,科,网] B. 以后 B. 偶尔 ( )1、Can I have some fish A、Yes, I can. ( )2、What is she doing ( )3、Can you run fast C、Thank you. ~ ( )4、Happy birthday. D、Yes, please. ( )5、Do you want some rice B、Sorry, you can’t. E、She is listening to music. 七、根据所给情景,选择合适的句子。 ⑴ 当苏海和别人打电话时,可以说:_______  A. What's the  matter? ⑵ 当你想知道你的朋友怎么了,问:________B. Can I have some  water? ⑶ 当你的朋友口渴时,可以说:_______ C. This is Su Hai  speaking. ⑷ 询问朋友你能不能喝点水,说:________D. See you. ⑸ 放学和老师同学道别, 可以说:_______E. Here's some water for you 八、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 。 A . Thank you.   B . Turn left.   C . Where     D . Excuse me.   E . on A : 1. ________ Where is the zoo, please? B : Go straight 2. ________ . Turn right.It’s on your left. A : 3. ________ is the shop, please? B : Go straight on. 4. ________ It’s on your right. A : 5. ________ B : You’re welcome. 九、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我们有一顿丰盛的家宴。 We have a big         . 2. 我们祝你圣诞快乐。 We wish you         . 3. 我们吃许多食物。 We eat             . 4. 圣诞节你们吃花生吗? Do you eat     at Christmas? 5. 这本书是关于春节的。 This book is about the         . 十、按要求改写句子 1. She usually get up at sevenon Monday (对画线部分进行提 问 )  ______________ ____________________   2. He usually walks to school . ( 写出该句的问句 )  __________________________________  3. It’s a s chool trip yesterday . ( 将该句改为疑问句 )  __________________________________  4. I had fish for dinner yesterday . ( 对画线部分进行提问 )  __________________________________  5. I have got a cold . ( 写出该句的问句 )  _________________________________ 十一、任务型阅读。按要求完成下列各题。 It’s Sarah’s birthday. Some friends come to her home for dinner. Sarah: What would you like, everyone? John: I’d like some fish. I can use c hopsticks. Mike: I’d like some noodles and fish. Pass me a spoon and chopsticks. Amy: I’d like some beef. I’d like a knife and fork, please. Wu Yifan: I’d like some soup. Can I have a bowl and a spoon? Sarah: Sure. Here you are. A. B. 1. 2. C. 3. D. 4. [来源:Zxxk.Com] 5 任务一:仿照示例,填写序号。 John: C 2 Mike: ________ ________ ________ Amy: ________ ________ ________ Wu Yifan: ________ ________ ________ 任务二:假设你也在 Sarah 家做客,你会如何回答呢? I’d like some ________. Pass me the ________ please. [来源:学|科|网] 参考答案 一、1. New Year 2. at Christmas 3. old 4. families 5. Chinese 二、a good cook mak e a dish 洗菜 我不能等 在冰箱里 三、DCBAE 四、 1. Chinese 2. family 3. songs 4. eat 5. about 五、(1) B (6) A (2) A (7) B 六、BEACD (3) B (8) B (4) A (9) B [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 七、CAEBD 八、DECBA 九、1. family dinner 2. merry Christmas  (5) B (10) A 3. lots of food 4. peanuts 5. Spring Festival 十、1.When does she usually get up? 2. How does he go to school? 3. Was it a  school trip yesterday?  4. What did you do for dinner yesterday? 5.Have you got a cold? 十一、任务一: Mike: A C 5 2 Amy: B 1 4 Wu Yifan: D 3 5 任务二:vegetables; chopsticks(答案不唯一) [来源:学科网 ZXXK]

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