一般现在时(一) 三单变形 1. 一般现在时表示经常性和习惯性的动作,或者是主语现在的状态。当主语是第三 人称单数时,动词必须变成第三人称单数的形式。 如:He often plays football in the afternoon. 2. 第三人称单数的变化规律如下: a. 一般情况下在动词后加 s; 如:play-plays b. 以 s, x, sh, ch, o 结尾的动词加 es; 如:watch-watches c. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾,去 y 为 i 再加 es; 如:study- studies 注意:have 的第三人称单数是 has, be 的第三人称单数是 is。 开心练习: 一. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 1. go 2. come 5. fly 6.give 9. have 10. do 二. 1. he ( 3. make 7. teach 11.study 4. teach 8. listen 12. ride 判断下列是否为第三人称单数,是的打“√”,不是的打“×”。 ) 2. they ( 5. Ann and Mary ( 8. your sister ( ) 3. Tom ( ) ) 6. the lions ( 9. my parents ( ) 4. the tiger( ) ) 7. My father ( ) 10. you ( ) ) 三. 连词成句。 1. often, football, play, we, Monday, on (.) 2. mother, books, reads, my, day, every. (.) 3. shopping, Lucy, go, Lily, usually, and, Sunday, on (.) 标志词 一般现在时的标志词有 often, usually, always, sometimes, every, on Sundays,never 等。 如:My father sometimes reads newspapers at night. She has eggs for lunch every day. They have lunch at twelve o’clock every day. 开心练习: 一. ( 单选题。 ) 1. Tom A. get ( clothes every night. B. washs B. has B watch ) 5. My brother often A. study C. washes any money now. ) 4. We sometimes A. watches ( C.getting ) 3. Ann doesn’t A. have ( B. gets ) 2. My mother A. wash ( up at seven every morning. B. studys C. having TV at night. C watchs in the study. C.studies 二. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. My father (be) at home today. 2. Jane and Joe 3. She (be) students. They (be) in the park. (get) up at six every day. 4. Ann and Mary (have) breakfast at seven every morning. 5. Your brother 6. (go) to the park with your sister. (do) you 7. What 8. (brush) your teeth every day? (do) he usually (do) Mike 9. Tom (do) on Mondays? (read) English every day? (like) listening to music. 每周一练: 一. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数。 1. sit 2. go 3. have 4. cry 5. play 6. watch 7. say 9. write 10. wash 11. make 13.clean 14. do 15. put 二. ( ) 1. —Where does Mr Lee 16. get B. lives, live ) 2. Mary A. go C. lives, lives to work at 9:00 every morning. B. gos ) 3. The Smiths A. goes ? in the USA. A. live, lives ( 12. read 单选题。 — He ( 8. run C.goes to the cinema on Sundays. B. go C. going 三.阅读理解。 Look at my home! There are six rooms in my home. You can see a living room, a study, a bathroom, a big bedroom, a small bedroom and a kitchen. The small bedroom is my room. We can watch TV in the living room. We can read books in the study. We can take a shower in the bathroom. We can have a sleep in the bedroom. We can have meals in the kitchen. My home is very nice. I like my home very much. Welcome to my home! What about your home? Can you tell me? 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1.---Where do you watch TV? ----- I watch TV in my___________________________. 2.---Where do you read books?----I read books in my___________________________. 3.---Where do you take a shower?---I take a shower in my_______________________. 4.---Where do you have a sleep?---I have a sleep in my _________________________. 5.---Where do you have meals ?---I have meals in my_____________.

doc文档 一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册

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一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册 第 1 页 一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册 第 2 页 一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册 第 3 页 一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册 第 4 页 一般现在时-三单变形与标志词(讲义)人教PEP版英语五年级下册 第 5 页
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