2022 年人教 PEP 版四年级英语下册期末专项训练 连词成句 1. next to, it’s, the, art room (.) __________________________________________________ 2. go, garden, to, the (.) ________________________________________ 3. do, this, like, How, you, umbrella (?) ______________________________________________ 4. time It’s home to go ( ! ) ________________________________________ 5. is, This, computer, my, (.) _________________________________________________ 6. How, students, many, are, in, room, your, there, (?) ________________________________________________ 7. are those whose pants(?) ____________________________________________ 8. time, lunch, for, It's (.) ___________________________________________ 9. vegetable at Look the ( . ) __________________________________________________ 10.I, green, that, like, skirt, (.) ____________________________________________________ 11.are, They, ducks (.) ________________________________ 12.are they What ( ? ) _________________________________________________ 13.is, under, the, our classroom, library (.) __________________________________________________ 14.scarf is The pretty (.) _____________________________________________ 15.are so They big ( ! ) ________________________________________________ 16.pants whose these are (?) _____________________________________________ 17.to, our, Welcome, school, (!) _________________________________________________ 18.second, is, It, the, on, floor. ____________________________________. 19.this, How, like, you, do, scarf (?) ____________________________________________ 20.on, third, the, is, it, floor, (.) ________________________________________________ 21.big how are much those shoes(?) __________________________________________ 22.this Whose is coat (?) ______________________________________ 23.have How many horses you do (?) ________________________________________________ 24.animals, have, I, of, lot, a ( .) ________________________________ 25.I, Can, on, try, them (?) _____________________________________________________ 26.count me Let (.) _______________________________________________ 27.about these shoes What (?) ___________________________________________ 28.is, snowy, it, and, windy (?) __________________________________ 29.is the room computer that (?) ________________________________________________ 30.this, a, is, teachers’ office (.) _____________________________________________ 31.is, the, computer, room, where (?) ________________________________________ 32.so are They big (.) ___________________________________________________ 33.hat father’s is your this(?) _____________________________________________ 34.it is in cool and windy Beijing (?) __________________________________________ 35.How, students, many, are, in, room, your, there, (?) ________________________________________________ 36.My is a father farmer ( . ) _________________________________________ 37.hot, sunny, is, it, Kunming, in, and (.) _______________________________________________ 38.how is much it(?) __________________________________________ 39.to time home go (.) _________________________________________________ 40.hat yellow is Mike’s (.) ____________________________________________ 41.the, first, It's, floor, on, (.) ________________________________________________ 42.for, time, is, it, lunch, (.) _____________________________________________________ 43.teachers', office, next, the, library, the, to, is, (.) ________________________________________________ 44.at, these, look, potatoes, big _________________________________________. 45.this coat is whose(?) _________________________________________________ 46.it Is today windy ( ? ) __________________________________________ 47.is, it, degrees, 25, now (.) _______________________________________________ 48.this sweater Whose is (?) _______________________________________________ 49.New York, about, how (?) _________________________________________ 50.dress, like, the, I, green (.) ____________________________________________ (参考答案) 1. It’s next to the art room. 2. Go to the garden. 3. How do you like this umbrella? 4. It’s time to go home! 5. This is my computer. 6. How many students are there in your room? 7. Whose pants are those? 8. It's time for lunch. 9. Look at the vegetable. 10.I like that green skirt. 11.They are ducks. 12.What are they? 13.The library is under our classroom. / Our classroom is under the library. 14.The

doc文档 期末专项复习-连词成句题(试题)人教PEP版英语四年级下册

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