Unit 7 提优课时练习(4) 一、英汉互译 1. The ladybirds_______________(把害虫赶走了). 2. My father________________(在烧土豆烧肉) now. 3. __________you______________(正在整理床铺)? 4. Look! They______________________(正在进行一场龙舟赛)! 5. Would you like_________________(吃一个粽子)? 6. Jack likes_________________(爬山). 7. The story is___________________(未完待续). 8. My mother______________(洗碗) after dinner every day. 9. __________there______________(有一些面包) in the fridge? 10. Are you ready for the class? ___________________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. My grandmother usually________(make) jiaozi at home. 2. Don’t________(give) him toy cars. 3. ________(child) love festivals. 4. It’s on the________(one) of October. 5. It’s________(mother) Day tomorrow. 6. What do you want________(eat) at the Spring Festival? 7. Many people like________(watch) dragon boat races. 8. They________(have) a big lunch with their family now. 9. Father’s Day is________(come). 10. People________(call) it Halloween. 三、单项选择 ( ) 1. Christmas________soon. A. come ( B. Do, drink use C. Do, drink with ) 3. We are________in the playground. A. run ( C. will coming ) 2. ________you________spoons? A. Are, drink to ( B. is coming B. having a running race C. runing ) 4. The Dragon Boat Festival is in________. A. January or February B. May or June C. March or April ( ) 5. -What________your brother________? -He’s cleaning the car. A. does, do ( B. does, doing C. is, doing ) 6. -Shall we go to watch a film this Sunday? -Sorry, I’m________. I have________my brother. A. busy, to help ( C. free, to help ) 7. They are singing and________in the classroom. A. dancing ( B. busy, help B. to dance C. dance ) 8. -What are you doing? -I’m________my pen. But I can’t________it. A. finding, look for ( B. find, looking for C. looking for, find ) 9. -________in the music room? -There are some chairs and a piano. A. How many ( B. What C. What’s ) 10. -________is the fish? -It’s________. A. Where, nice B. How, yummy C. How, ten yuan 四、根据中文提示完成句子 1. 父亲节你经常给你爸爸买什么礼物? What________do you often________ ________your father on Father’s Day? 2. 他们正在谈论给妈妈的礼物吗? ________they________about________for Mum? 3. -你在为你的祖母做生日贺卡吗? -是的。 -________you________a birthday________ ________your grandma? -Yes, I am. 4. -重阳节在何时? -在十月或十一月。 -________the Double________Festival? -It’s________ ________ ________ ________. 5. 这头猪逃跑了,然后猫从房间里出来了。 The pig________ ________. Then a cat________ ________from a room. 6. 老师走的时候,他们开始打架。 When the teacher leaves, they________ ________. 五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Like other families, my family get together too. We watch the moon and eat lots of moon cakes. They are very nice. My uncle sings some English songs for us. He also tells us some funny things in the US. We have a good time. ( ) 1. My family don’t get together. ( ) 2. My uncle sings English songs. ( ) 3. The moon cakes are nice. ( ) 4. We have a lot of fun. ( ) 5. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival today. 答案 一、1. drive the pests away 2. is cooking the meat with potatoes 3. Are, making the bed 4. are having a dragon boat race 5. to eat a rice dumpling 6. going climbing/climbing mountains 7. to be continued 8. washes the dishes 9. Is, any bread 10. 你(们)准备好上课了吗? 二、1. makes 2. give 3. Children 6. to eat 7. watching 4. first 5. Mother’s 8. are having 9. coming 10. call 三、1-5 BCBBC 6-10 AACCB 四、1. presents, buy for 2. Are, talking, presents 3. Are, making, card for 4. When’s, Ninth, in October or November 5. runs away, comes out 6. start fighting

doc文档 五年级下册英语试题-Unit 7 Chinese festivals提优课时练习(4)(译林版三起,含答案)

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