不 班级 学校请 内 小学英语毕业模拟调研(六) 特别提醒:为养成好习惯,本套试卷有 3 分的书写分 (3 分:书写美观、工整、清晰;2 分:书写工整、清晰;1 分:书写清晰;0 分:书写不清晰) 线 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 题 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 封 号 十 一 十 二 十 三 十 四 十 五 密 得 . 分 听力部分(共 30 分) 一、听录音,选择听到的内容,将其序号写在题前括号内。( 10 分) ( ) 1. A. safe B. safely C. sleepy ( ) 2. A. need B. never C. night ( ) 3. A. litter B. littering ( ) 4. A. tidy B. clean. C. dirty ( ) 5. A. make B. take C. lake ( ) 6. A. how old ( ) 7. A. their plans B. their pens ( ) 8. A. sport lovers B. football lovers C. English lovers ( ) 9. A. at a time C. little B. how long B. every time C. how many C. the new plans C. at home 答 姓名 要 ) 10. A. Do you have a travel book? B. Do you have a new English book? 学校请 不 班级 ( C. Do you have a healthy diet? 二、听录音,判断图片内容是否与听到的对话相符,相符的写 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 密 封 线 内 T,不相符的写 F。(5 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内。( 5 分) ( ( ( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, we do. C. No, they weren’t. ) 2. A. It’s Monday. B. It’s the second of June. D. On the first of June. )3. A. He is going to visit Bobby. B. He is having a big lunch. C. He visited his cousin. ( )4. A. She does her homework. B. No, she didn’t. C. She ate some nice food. ( )5. A. We will stay here for a week. B. We will go by train. C. We will stay here with Mike. 四、根据听到的对话和问题选择正确答案。(5 分) ( ) 1. A. A doll. B. A robot. C. A toy car. 答 姓名 要 不 班级 ) 2. A. Look out for cars. B. Run quickly. C. wait for the bus. ( )3. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know. ( )4. A. Pandas. B. Koalas. C. Kangaroos ( ) 5. A. A football player and a dancer. B. An astronaut and a doctor. C. A football player and An astronaut. 内 学校请 ( My aunt Lucy_______ in Australia.. That is a _______ and nice country. My family ________ visit her next week. Mum will ________ an email to her. She will ________Aunt Lucy about our _______. Dad and I will go _______ this Friday. We will ______ some presents for her. ______ that, I will go surfing the Internet, I would like to find out more _________ the country. . 密 封 线 五、根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词。(5 分) 笔试部分(共 70 分) 六、语音:找出划线部分与其它三个发音不同的选项。(5 分) A B C D 1. ( ) girl teacher T-shirt 2. ( ) near wear hear 3. ( ) look cartoon zoo 4. ( ) keep dream heavy 5. ( ) little begin bite learn year food please interesting 七、中英互译。(10 分) 1. 大笑 _______ _______ 6. put the things in order ____________ 2. 儿童节_______ _______ 7. look out for cars _________________ 3. 照顾 _______ _______ of 8. follow the rules __________________ 4. 变得晴朗_______ _______ 9. put on a play____________________ 5.欢迎游客 _______ _______ 10.the World Cup ___________________ 八、选择填空。(10 分) ( )1. From then on, Sam and Tina_________ good friends. A. become ( B. becomes C. became ) 2. Does Tom learn English____? Yes, he often _____English books after dinner. A. good; reads ( B. washes B. C. )5. Stop! There’s a ______ man. We ______ walk now. A.green; mustn’t ( C. washed )4. The Yellowstone national Park is in __________ A. ( C. well; looks )3.My mother often ______ clothes every morning. A. wash ( B. well; reads B.red; must C.red; mustn’t )6.—What _____ the room messy? —The _______ make the room messy. A.make; toy B.makes; book C.makes; books ( )7. Welcome to Beijing. Let me______ you _______our city. A.show; from B.show; around C.show; for ( )8. Don’t use ______plastic bags. A.too many ( B.too much C.much too )9. Lily is good at ______ the piano, she wants to be a ________. A. playing;pianist B. play; pianist C. playing; dancer ( )10. I have a healthy diet, I have _______at dinner. A.a lot of rice; much meat B.some cakes; a lot of ice cream C.a little rice; some fish and vegetables. 九、圈出合适的词或词组,写在横线上,完成句子。(5 分) 1. He brings some water (quick,quickly) and pours it into the hole. 2. There _______(will be,is going to) a football game here tomorrow. 3. The boy was not _______ (excited, exciting) at the party. 4. Helen _______ (caught,catches) a big fish last Sunday morning. 姓名 要 内 不 班级 学校请 5. There _________(are,aren’t) any cakes here now. 6. Eating too much meat is bad for our (healthy, health). We should eat vegetables and fruit to keep (healthy, health). 7. He is asking Yang Ling how _________ (gets,to get) there. 8.They are good_______(driver, drivers) They are good at ________(drive, driving) . 十、英英匹配。从Ⅱ栏中选出与Ⅰ栏相对应的答语。(10 分) ( ( ( ( ( . 密 封 线 第一组 Ⅰ Ⅱ ) 1. Are the bears crossing the road? A. No, you can’t . ) 2. Can I pl

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