Unit 7 What’s the matter? 考点专项练习 一、按要求写词。 1.want(同义短语) 2.thanks(同义短语) 3.happy(反义词) 4.is(复数) 5.come(对应词) 6.I’m(完整形式) 7.what’s(完整形式) 8.here’s(完整形式) 二、选词填空。 1.—Have a pie, please. —Thanks. I’m not 2.Can I have some 3. (water/waters)? (What’s/What) the matter? 4.I want 5. (hungry/thirsty). (go/to go) to bed. (Come/Come there) and have a pie. 6.—Here (you are/are you). —Thank you. 7.It’s time to go to bed. Good (evening/night). 三、单项选择。 ( )1.—What’s the matter Liu Tao? —He’s tired. A.to ( )2.—I’m B.for C.with . —Here’s some water for you. A.sad B.happy C.thirsty B.she is C.it is ( )3.—Is Yang Ling thirsty? —Yes, . A.she isn’t ( )4.Hello, Mrs Brown. This is Miss Li A.speak ( )5.I want . B.speaking C.speaks B.to go C.go home. A.to go to 四、根据中文情景,选择合适的英文表达。 ( )1.打电话时,想知道对方是不是杨玲,你可以问: ( )2.当你见到班级里的女孩,想知道对方是不是杨玲时,你可以问她: ( )3.打电话时,迈克介绍自己,他可以说: ( )4.当你向别人介绍怀特先生时,你可以说: ( )5.当你想告诉别人那位女士是王太太时,你可以说: ( )6.打电话时,想知道对方是谁,你可以说: A.This is Mike speaking. B.That woman is Mrs Wang. C.Are you Yang Ling? D.Is that Yang Ling? E.Who is that? F.This is Mr White. 五、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。 A.At ten twenty. B.I am sleepy(困的). C.Are you ill? D.Good morning, Wang Bing. E.Oh, it’s too late. Wang Bing: Good morning, Liu Tao. Liu Tao: 1. Wang Bing: What’s the matter? 2. Liu Tao: No. 3. Wang Bing: When do you go to bed every day? Liu Tao: 4. Wang Bing: 5. Why don’t you go to bed early? Liu Tao: Because I read funny storybooks. Wang Bing: I see. Liu Tao: 答案 一、1.would like 2.thank you 3.sad 4.are 5.go 6.I am 7.what is 8.here is 二、1.hungry 2.water 3.What’s 4.to go 5.Come 6.you are 7.night 三、1-5CCBBB 四、1-6DCAFBE 五、1-5DCBAE

doc文档 【考点专项练习】四年级下册英语Unit 7What's the matter译林版三起(含答案)

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【考点专项练习】四年级下册英语Unit 7What's the matter译林版三起(含答案) 第 1 页 【考点专项练习】四年级下册英语Unit 7What's the matter译林版三起(含答案) 第 2 页 【考点专项练习】四年级下册英语Unit 7What's the matter译林版三起(含答案) 第 3 页 【考点专项练习】四年级下册英语Unit 7What's the matter译林版三起(含答案) 第 4 页
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