跟上兔子《Fun in the sea》教学设计 Teaching material: 跟上兔子六年级 Fun in the sea Teaching aims and learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to: 1. grasp the important words: seagull, coach, angelfish,octopus,swordfish,shark, coral reef, seahorse, cherish 2. Learn and understand the habits of the sea animals. 3. Learn how to read 4. Mental education: Let students learn how to protect the beautiful things. Focus of the lesson: Introduce the sea animals: 1.How do they look? 2.What can they do? 3.What are their living habits? Predicted areas of difficulty: Present their opinions of cherishing the beautiful things. Teaching aids: CAI, word cards, writing paper Teaching procedures: Step1 Free talk and lead-in 1. Watch the video of the ‘ Finding Nemo”. 2.Talk about the sea animals that the students can see on the book. 3. Show the topic of the lesson. 【设计意图】通过观看海底总动员,了解海底世界种种海洋动物,结合海洋 动物自由自在的生活在海洋里,引出本课话题 Fun in the sea. Step2 Presentation 1.Discussing 1. Talk about their familiar sea animals with each other 2. Name the sea animals which can be found on the book 3. Underline the key information about these sea animals. 【设计意图】通过小组间的讨论,对海底动物有一个初步的了解。激发他们 更深入的学习。 2.Listening 1. Fill in the blanks 2. Complete the forms 【设计意图】通过听录音,帮助学生梳理动物特征的细节。 3.Reading 1.Read in groups Exchange their information with each other 2.Read after the tape Pay more attention to the pronunciation 3.Read by oneself Think over by reading 【设计意图】通过进一步的阅读,让学生对文本有了彻底的认识,并能从文 本的学习中感悟到保护动物,保护地球。 Step3: Consolidation Introduce one or two animals about the sea animals 1.Work in group 2.Have a production about their result For example: seagull dolphin sea turtle 【设计意图】通过介绍,同学能够熟悉海洋生物 ,并且学会介绍一个动物的 特征,生活习惯。 Step4: Homework 1. Read about the passage 2.Make a poster about the sea world 3. Find out the fun in our daily life

doc文档 跟上兔子《Fun in the sea》(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册

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跟上兔子《Fun in the sea》(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册 第 1 页 跟上兔子《Fun in the sea》(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册 第 2 页 跟上兔子《Fun in the sea》(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册 第 3 页
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