牛津译林英语 Unit 7 知识点精讲精练 1. People also call it Chinese New Year. 将某物称为________________________ 如何称呼某人或某物用特殊疑问句_______________________ 2. People get together with their fa milies. Family 一词_____________________ ___; ______________ __________ 3. There are dragon boat races in some places. race: ________________________ 一般指________________________ ma tch________________________ game_____________ ___________ 4. It is a festival for old people. 老人________________________ = ________________________ 5. They knock on people’s doors and shout “trick or treat” for sweets. trick________________________; treat ________________________ trick or treat________________________ 6. my favourite festival favourite 的用法 ________________________ [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 7. the Double Ninth Festival________________________ double ________________________ 8. Mother’s Day Father’s Day 等节日表达________________________ 名词所有格注意点: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 9. What about a card and some flowers? 表示请求建议的句型:______________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________ ___ ______________________________________ 10. th 的发音规律 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 基础练习 一、翻译下列词组 1. 春节_______________________ 3. 中国农历新年_______ ________________ 5. 和他们家人团聚_______________________ 2. 在一月或二月_______________________ 4. 在这个节日_______________________ 6. 吃饺子 _______________________ 7. 端午节_______________________ 8. 赛龙舟 _______________________ 9.在一些地方_______________________ 10. 粽子 _______________________ 11. 中秋节_______________________ 12. 在晚上赏月 _______________________ 13. 月饼 _______________________ 14. 重阳节 _______________________ 15. 一个属于老人的节日_______________________ 16. 看望他们的父母_______________________ 17. 爬山_______________________ 18. 吃重阳糕_______________________ 19. 装扮 _______________________ 20. 敲人们的门__________________ _____ 21. 母亲节_______________________ 22. 父亲节_______________________ 23. 母亲的节日_______________________ 24. 在五月的第二个星期日_______________________ 25. 给他们的妈妈的礼物_______________________ 26. 谈论关于…... _______________________ 二、翻译下列句子 1. 他最欢的节日是儿童节。 _________ ________ festival is __________ __________. 2. 我们应该帮助老人。 We should _________ ________ __________. 3. 我们该怎么称呼这种动物? ___________ should we _________ ________ _______ of animal? 4. 有人正敲门, 他是谁? Someone ________ ________ _______ the door. Who may _________ _________? 5. 通常在春节你会做什么? _______ do you usually ______ ______ the Spring Festival? 6. 你们正在谈论什么? _____ are you __________ _________? 7. 人们聚在一起赏月。 People __________ __________ to ________ _________the moon. 8. 在周日早晨,我们装扮成小丑。 _______ ________ morning. We ________ ________ as clowns. 9. 在一些地方有龙舟比赛。 There are __________ _________ ________ in some __________. 10. 母亲节在五月的第二个星期六。 ________ _________ is _________ the second Saturday _______ May. 三、音标练习(字母组合 th 的练习) 1. A. either 2. A. through 3. A. thick 4. A. smooth 5. A. thank 6. A. this 7. A. thin 8. A. thirsty 9. A. them 10. A. without B. mother B. the B. both B. thank B. mother B. Maths B. thank B. that B. their B. together C. that D. third C. three D. fifth C. these D. three C. through D. thirtieth C. father D. there C. those D. clothes C. Thursday D. there C. father D. with C. Thursday D. the C. toothache D. father [来源:学*科*网] 四、用单词的适当形式填空 1. _________(Lily) favourite festival is Children’s Day. 2. June 1th is __________(child) Day. 3. She is happy ______(have) so many presents. 4. – Where is mum? --- She is on ________(two) floor. 5. This cake is for _________(they) father. 6. What about _____________(any) flowers. 7. Look! They ________(have) ipads in the hands. 8. They get together _________(enjoy) the moon. 9. We _________-(should) fight(打架) with the old. 10. Let her_________(not drink) so cold water. 拓展练习 1. she doesn’t know what _____________ at the meeting. A. to talk B. to talk to C. to talk with D. to talk about 2. There are five ______________ in this flat. A. family B. families C. familys D. familes 3. My family __________tall. A. is B. has C. have D. are 4. They may arrive _______ the second day of May. A. on B. in C. at D. with 5. What do you do _______this afternoon? A. on B. in C. at D. / 6. _________ do people call the bird? --- Sorry, I don’t know either. A. How B. Why C. what D. Which 7. --- What do you do _________Chinese New Year? --- We visit grandparents ________ Chinese New Year’s Day. A. on; on B. in; in C. at; on D. on; at 8. I don’t know what is ___________

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