大庆市小学升初中英语试卷(九) 满分:100 分 时间:60 分钟 亲爱的同学们,即将步入中学的你们,会开始另一段旅程,希望你们加 油努力! 仔细审题,认真答题! 一、选择填空。 ( )1.He can take your mother ____the park. A.in B.at C.to D.over ( )2._____like watching TV. A.All of the boys B.All the boys C.All of the bay D.All of boys ( )3.There is a tall tree______the house. A.in B.about C.behind D.at ( )4.We must go to school_____Monday_____Friday. A.on on B.at on C.from to D.in an ( )5.I don’t have _____banana .I have ___apple. A.a a B.a an C.an a D.an an ( )6.____your mother ____a bag? A.Do has B.Does have C.Do have D.Does has ( )7.He is___duty _____Tuesday. A.on in B.in on C.at of D.on on ( )8.She has a ruler ._____it’s too small. A.And B.So C.But D.Then ( )9.What day is it today?____________________ A.It is a Sunday B.It’s five o’clock C.That’s Sunday D.It’s Sunday ( )10.There_____some flowers in the room. A.is B.am C.are D.be ( )11.You must ____your clothes. A.look at B.look C.look after D.to look after ( )12.This pen isn’t yours ,please give_____soon. A.back it B.it back C.like it D.it like ( )13.Meimei isn’t here.Let’s go____find her. A.or B.and C.X D.but ( )14.Could I____a cup of tea,please? A.give B.takes C.carry D.have ( )15.Thanks for carrying the box for me .__________ A.Sorry,I can’t B.It’s nothing C.You’re welcome D.Fine ,thanks 二、完形填空。 Today is Sunday.It is a __16__day.The sky is_17__.Mr White ,Kate and Tom __18__walking in the park,Some_19_are on the lake.Mr White is_20_at the boats .Kate is not looking at _21__.She is__22_at a red bird in a big tree.Tom is looking at a __23__in the _24__.They have a _25_time. ( )16.A.good B.fine C.right ( )17.A.black B.blue C.yellow ( )18.A.is B.are C.do ( )19.A.ships B.boats C.cars ( )20.A.looking B.watching C.seeing ( )21.A.they B.them C.it ( )22.A.watching B.looking C.seeing ( )23.A.plane B.bike C.people ( )24.A.sky B.lake C.road ( )25.A.fine B.good C.well 三、阅读理解。 ( A)阅读理解,选择正确答案。 John lives in a new house .He likes playing in a river ,but there isn’t river near his house .He is not happy. One day, he asks his mother .”Is there a river near here?” “No,there isn’t” ,his mother says “But here ,our new house has a garden.” “But it’s very small ,I don’t like it.”John says. One morning ,his mother says”There is beautiful park near here.And there is a pool in it .We ‘ll go there in the afternoon.”John is very happy. After lunch ,John and his mother go to the park ,and he plays in the pool.And his mother is watching him under a tree. ( )26.John lives in the new house________. ( ( ( ( A.in the park B.near a river C.with a garden )27.He likes playing ______. A.in his new house B.in a river C.in the garden )28.There isn’t ____near his new house. A.a river B.a park C.a garden )29.John and his mother go to the park ____. A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening )30.John can play____and he is very happy. A.in the river B.in the garden C.in the evening (B)阅读短文,选择正确答案。 One Sunday morning ,Mr Green and his child ,Bill,are in a big shop,Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green ,Bill likes oranges,so his father buys two kilos of oranges for him,too.Bill wants to buy some picture--books and colour pencils ,too.There are many people in the shop.They are men and women ,old and young .They all want to buy something there. ( )31.Mr Green goes to the shop with______. A.Mrs Green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father ( )32.Mr Green wants to buy new blouse for _________. A.Bill’s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people ( )33.Bill likes _______ A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange ( )34.Bill wants to buy_____. A.some picture—books B.some colour pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B. ( )35.The shop is______ A.empty B.close C.full of children D.full of people 四、用适当的词填空。 41.I____a bike to school every day. 42.Are you ______?Yes ,I come from Japan . 43.Can you ____English songs? 44.Lilei likes to_____in the river. 45.What’s that_______English ?It’s a ball. 46.She is my sister ._____name is Li Ping. 47.I’m thirsty ,I’d like something to __. 48.My shoes are not on the table .They are ____the table. 49.There is something in Jim’s hand .It’s a ______of tea. 50.Jim is in Class One and Kate is in Class Three.They are in____classes. 五、句型专换。 51.Close the door ,please.(改为否定句) _____ _____the door,please. 52.The boys are playing games.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________? 53.Lily is writing .(改为一般疑问句) ______ Lily______? 54.My sister is watching TV .(就划线部分提问) ? 55.I have a new pencil—box.(改为否定句)。 I____ _____a new pencil-box. 六、按要求

doc文档 小升初全真模拟测(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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小升初全真模拟测(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 1 页 小升初全真模拟测(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 2 页 小升初全真模拟测(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 3 页 小升初全真模拟测(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 4 页
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