外研三起 五年级上学期 期中易错题专练 语法类 一、选词填空 1.用“How many”或“How much”填空。 (1)________ apples do you buy? (2)________ rice do you want? (3)________ boys are there in your class? (4)________ cheese did you eat? (5)________ milk did you drink? 2.选词填空。 A. What B. How C. Whose D. Who E. Where (1)________did you go last week? (2)________is the matter? (3)________eraser is this? (4)________did you go with? (5)________many bananas do we need? 3.选词填空 A. When B. Where C. How D. Who E. What (1)—________did you go to the Great Wall? —I went there by bus. (2)—________took these picture? —Amy did. (3)—________did you go yesterday? —I went to the museum. (4)—________did you buy in London? —I bought a bag. (5)—________did he arrive in Beijing? —Last Sunday. 4.选词填空 whose who where what when (1)________book is this ? (2)________did you buy in America ? (3)________did you go ? (4)________did you meet in the park ? (5)________did you come back ? 5.选词填空。 When Who Where How (1)—________went to the Great Wall? —Daming wentto the Great Wall. (2)—________did they go there? —They went there atten o'clock. (3)—________ did they go? —They went by bus. (4)—________did Daming do? —He took photos of themuseums. (5)—________did they go? —They went to the BritishMuseum. 6.选词填空 for (1)They are________school. (2)Do you live ________ China? to at of in What (3)We need some food ________our picnic. (4)I want half a kilo________noodles . (5)Let’s go________the supermarket. 7.选词填空 (1)How________ ( much / many ) bananas do you want ? (2)Here're ________ ( you / your ) pears. (3)Can you________ ( need / read ) the list for the old man ? (4)Amy and Linda________ ( like / likes ) milk. (5)________ (Do/Are)you like bananas? 8.选词填空 (When ;Who; Where; How;What) (1)—________ did they go ? — They went to the British Museum. (2)—________ went to the Great Wall? — Daming went to the Great Wall. (3)—________ did they go there? — They went there at ten o'clock. (4)—________ did they go? — They went by bus. (5)—________ did Daming do? — He took photos of the museums. 二、用所给词适当形式填空 9.Those are my new____________ (shoe). 10.Your shoes are there. I washed____________(they) for you. 11.Mum____________ (buy) new trousers for Lingling yesterday. 12.He____________(want) to wear this T-shirt. 13.Please come with____________ (we). 14.Jack____________ (meet) his friend yesterday. 15.Did you____________ (buy) a new book? 16.We are playing________ (happy) with the ball. 17.We are________ (have) a party in the class! 18.How many________ (tiger) are there at the zoo? 19.There are twenty________ (child) in the class. 20.________(we) English teacher is Mr Green. 21.He ________(want) wear his T-shirt last Friday. 22.________(she) shirt is white. 23.This is ________ (Sam) Chinese book. It is not mine. 24.They ________(go) to the library by bike yesterday. 25.My father ________(come) back last Sunday. 26.— Does your grandma ________(live) in Beijing? — No, she doesn't. 27.I________ (see) a cat in bed last night. 28.We didn't buy________ (some) eggs. 29.I didn't take any________ (photo). 30.How much ________ (cheese) do you want? 31.He ________(want)________(wear)my dress last Monday. 32.There ________(be)two ________(pair)of shoes over there. 33.This shirt is for ________(I). 34.Yesterday , I ________(eat)two eggs . 三、连词成句 35.连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号 (1).the, yesterday, did, Amy, to, go, park (?) ____________________________________ (2).by, home, bus, I, went, yesterday(.) ____________________________________ (3).you, do, city, live, in, this (?) ____________________________________ (4).are, we, home, now, going (.) ____________________________________ (5).you, buy, what, did, London, in (?) ____________________________________ 36.连词成句。 (1)the, what, is, matter (?) ____________________________________ (2)T-shirt, Sam, my, took (.) ____________________________________ (3)it, he, wants, wear, to(.) ____________________________________ (4)I, for, washed, you, them (.) ____________________________________ (5)T-shirt, Lingling's, did, was, you (?) ____________________________________ 37.连词成句 (1)much, do, how, need, you(?) ____________________________________ (2)are, you, what, take, going, to (?) ____________________________________ (3)go, home, going, to, I, am (.) ____________________________________ (4)us, let, make, a, list (.) ____________________________________ (5)want, I, bottles, five, of, milk (.) ____________________________________ 38.连词成句 (1)oranges, you, how many, do, want

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