Unit 4 Then and now Part A 时 第一课 目录 01 Let’s try 02 Let’s talk 03 当堂检测 话题引入 0 Let’s 1 try 课文学习 × × 0 Let's 2 talk 课文学习 课文学习 Grandpa: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. Sarah: Tell us about your school, please. Grandpa: There was only one small building on a hill. Wu Yifan: Could you see stars at night ? Grandpa: Yes, I liked the stars. Sarah: Me too. One day I’m going to visit the moon. Wu Yifan: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. Sarah: How do you know that? Wu Yifan: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. Grandpa: Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. What was Grandpa’s school like? 课文学习 What was your school like five years ago? What is it like now? Draw and talk. 知识精讲 知识点 1 Tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲一讲您的学校吧。 考向 句型结构及用法 句型结构为:“ Tell + sb.+ about+ 其他 .” 用于请求别人讲 述关于某方面的信息,是一个祈使句。 about 是介词,意为 “关于”。在此句型中,后接想要知道的信息。 例句: Tell us about your daily life.     请给我们讲一讲你的日常生活吧。 典型例题 Tell _______about that C film , please. A. they  B. we  C. them 知识精讲 拓展 祈使句表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等,读的时 候一般用降调。其否定形式是在谓语动词前加 Don’t 。 例句: Don’t be late for school.     上学不要迟到。 知识精讲 知识点 There was only one small building on a hill. 2 以前只有一栋很小的建筑物在山上。 例句: I’m 1.55 metres tall. 我身高 1.55 米。 考向 there be 结构的肯定句 “There was/were + 主语 + 地点 .” 是 there be 结构的一 般过去时态的肯定句,表示“某地(过去)存在某人 / 物。”, was 后接单数名词或不可数名词, were 后接可数 名词的复数形式。 知识精讲 例句: There were many old trees here ten years ago.     十年前这儿有许多古树。 易错点 提示 there was/were ... 后接多个人或物时, be 动词的单 复数形式要与离它最近的主语在数上保持一致。 例句: There were many flowers and a big tree in the garden two years ago.     两年前花园里有许多花和一棵大树。 典型例题 单项选择。 There _____ many trees on the hill three B years ago. A. were    B. are    C. was 知识精讲 知识点 3 The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. 美国人在 1969 年花了大约五天抵 达那儿。 考向 1 took 的用法 took 是 take 的过去式,在此意为“费时”,其后接表示时间的名词 (短语)作宾语。常用于句型“ It takes/took ( + 某人) + 时 间 + to do sth.” 意为“做某事花费(某人)多长时间。” 例句: It took me almost two hours to finish today’s homework.     完成今天的家庭作业花了我近 2 个小时。 知识精讲 考向 2 其他用法 拿走;取走 He took his handbag away. 他把他的手提包拿走了。 吃;服(药) You should take some medicine. 你应该吃一些药。 乘坐;搭乘 She often takes a plane to Beijing. 她经常乘飞机去北京。 买下 I’ll take this dictionary. 我要买这本词典。 固定短语 take a trip 去旅行  take pictures 拍 照 知识精讲 知识点 4 How do you know that? 你怎么知道的? 考向 用法 这是一个询问他人如何得知某件事的句型。句型结构: How+ 助动词 + 主语 +know+ 其他? How 询问方式,助动词的形式由主语来定, know 后接宾 语,表示知道的内容。 例句: How does your brother know that?     你哥哥怎么知道的? 知识精讲 知识点 5 Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. 简单,我上网查过。 easy /iːzi / adj. 容易的 例句: It’s easy for him to swim. 游泳对他来说很容 易。 比较级: easier 考向   反义词: difficult 困难的   短语: so easy 如此简单   形近词 : east n. 东;东方 知识精讲 反义词记忆法: 归纳意义相反的单词,把它们放在一起记忆的方法就是 反义词记忆法。如: easy 容易的— difficult 困难的

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