期末测试卷二 一、听录音,给图片排序 二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(5 分) 1. A. The plants. B. The smoke. C. The fish. 2. A. In the forest. B. In the zoo. C. In the sea. 3. A. About ten minutes. B. About six hours. C. At ten o'clock. 4. A. The Palace Museum and Big Ben. B. Big Ben and the British Museum. 5. A. They eat unhealthy food. B. They don't eat anything. 三、听录音,补全句子。每空一词。(10 分) 1. Last summer, we __________ to the Museum. 2. Don't eat __________much __________! 3. Beijing is __________the __________of China. 4. I'd like to __________about his __________. 5. We recycle __________to help the __________. 四、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) 1. Sally has some friends in Australia. ( ) 2. Sally never speaks Chinese in Australia. ( ) 3. Sally's classmates are all from China. ( ) 4. Sally's family sometimes eat dinner at a Chinese restaurant. ( 5. Sally has a cousin in Australia. ( ) 五、句子搭配(5 分) 1. When was your sister born? 2. Shall we go to the zoo this weekend? 3. What’s the matter? 4. Who’s Peter’s e-friend? 5. What did your sister have for dinner? ) A. Sure. I love animals. B. My eyes hurt. C. She had some rice and fish. D. Tom is Peter’s e-friend. E. She was born in March. 六、单项选择(10 分) 1. Ten years later, the children all grew______. A. up B. on C. upon 2. Don’t use ______ bags. We should keep the city clean. A. paper B. wood C. plastic 3. Stop ______ noise in class. The teacher is talking. A. make B. making C. to make 4. I drink ______ water every day. C. Big Ben and the Great Wall. C. They eat healthy food. A. many B. a lot C. much 5. They often help ______. A. I B. me C. mine 6. He ______ to school by bike yesterday. A. go B. goes C. went 7. There are many ______ robots in the science museum. A. kinds B. kinds of C. kind of 8. We use matches ______ the fire. A. make B. makes C. to make 9. People in Tokyo enjoy ______ sushi. A. eating B. to eat C. eat 10. Shanghai is in the ______ of China. A. west B. east C. north 七、选择适当的介词填空。(5 分) by on about at from 1. Shanghai and Sanya are far away ___________ each other. 2. I always go to work ___________ underground. 3. Snow White is a story ___________ a beautiful princes and her seven lite friends. 4. Sally lives ___________ the fifth floor in this building. 5. Peter saw a lot of insects ___________ the museum. 八、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1. I always___________ (talk) to my toy bear, but it never___________(talk)to me. 2. Take___________ (you) umbrella, Kate! It’s going ___________ (rain). 3. It ___________(be) Tree Planting Day yesterday. We ___________(plant) a tree on the hill. 4. The girls ___________(like) music. It makes___________(they) happy. 5. —Where is Lily? —She___________(dance) in the classroom. She is a good ___________(dance). 九、按要求完成下列句子。(10 分) 1. like, does, mother, what, his, look(?)(连词成句) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. I have orange every morning. (将 every morning 换成 this morning) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. animals, are, plants, many, different, there, and(.)(连词成句) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. People in the US enjoy eating hamburgers. (就画线部分提问) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. song, fire, bird, the, sang, a, to, the(.)(连词成句) _____________________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) Pam's family tree Pam is going to make a family tree. The family tree shows who is in her family. Pam will make it with her mum. Mum is a writer. She writes books. Pam likes her mum's books. Dad is an actor. He acts with much joy. He is a good actor. The boy next to Pam is her little brother Danny. He is cute. He is two years younger than Pam. Mum's dad makes all kinds of toys. Mum's mum runs a toy shop. Girls and boys like to see those nice toys. Dad's mum is a baker. She makes cakes. Dad's dad is a farmer. He feeds animals and grows crops. Pam is making her family tree happily. She is proud of her family. 1. A family tree is a tree in the house. ( ) 2. Pam's father is a writer and her mother is an actress. ( ) 3. Pam is Danny's sister. ( ) 4. There are eight people in Pam's family. ( ) 5. Pam can make the family tree. ( ) 十一、阅读短文,回答下列问题。(10 分) My classmate Lisa is from Canada. She is my neighbour too. She came to China with her parents Mr White and Mrs White. Her father is a doctor. Her mother is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. Lisa is a primary school studen

docx文档 六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二 含听力材料和答案 牛津上海版

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六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二  含听力材料和答案  牛津上海版 第 1 页 六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二  含听力材料和答案  牛津上海版 第 2 页 六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二  含听力材料和答案  牛津上海版 第 3 页 六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二  含听力材料和答案  牛津上海版 第 4 页 六年级上册英语试题-期末测试卷二  含听力材料和答案  牛津上海版 第 5 页
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