Review of Module 9 外研版 · 五年级上册 上课课件 鲤鱼跃龙门 ! 完成任务,就可以帮助鲤鱼跳过龙门啦! Phonics, words and phrases Read and match. ts beds, friends ds cats, coats tr chair, much dr jump, bridge ch driver, dress j/dg train, trousers Review the words. Game Time 规则:分两回合,点击数字,出现相 应 中文提示,根据中文提示说出对应 单词。 Let’s go! Round 1 感觉 ,觉 得 1 厌烦的 ,厌倦 的 伤心的 ,难过 的 4 生气的 ,愤怒 的 有病的, 不健康的 想念 2 5 3 6 Round 2 告诉 ( tell 的 过去式) 1 累的, 疲劳的 5 痊愈的 ,恢复 健康的 2 ( win 的过去 式)赢, 获胜 6 农场 3 闻出 ,嗅 出 直尺 (狗发出 的)吠声 7 4 8 Review the phrases. 看图说出其对应的英文短语 。 feel happy 感觉开心 feel sad 感觉难过 feel tired feel bored 感觉厌烦 感觉累 feel angry 感觉生气 be ill in hospital 生病住院 win a chess game 赢一场国际象棋比 赛 根据中文提示快速说出对应的英文短语 在中国 in China 。 今天早上 this morning 在农场上 on the farm 一整天,全天 弄丢我的钢笔和直 尺 all day lose my pen and ruler 【即时演 练】 一、将画线部分发音相同的单词连 线。 1. train A. coats 2. cats B. beds 3. friends C. trousers 4. much D. jump 5. bridge E. driver 6. dress F. chair 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词完成下列句 子。 1. Is he f________ happy? eeling 2. I lost my cat, so I’m s___. ad 3. I m____ iss my parents very much now. 4. Ben t_____ me a lot about the dog last night. old 5. My grandpa was i__ ll yesterday. But he is b_____ etter now. 三、选出与所给单词同类的一项 。 1. feel A. woof B. smell C. soup 2. angry A. tired 3. told A. call B. missC. was B. help C. won 4. farm A. hospital B. happy C. noodles 5. ruler A. sad B. lost C. pen 四、从方框中选择正确的单词补全句子。 tired ruler angry miss smell 1. I was late for school this morning. Mr Li was ______. angry 2. We can ______ smell some nice fish soup. tired ruler angry miss smell 3. They ______ miss their teachers very much. 4. I helped my mum at home all day. Now I’m _____. tired 5. Amy lost her ______ ruler and cap. 五、给下列句子选择相应的图片。 ( E )1. The girl wants to drink some water. She is thirsty. ( C ) 2. I won the chess game. I feel happy now. ( A ) 3. The boy wants to eat some noodles. He feels hungry. ( D ) 4. I helped my grandpa on the farm. ( B ) 5. I lost my ruler this morning. Sentence s 如何表达自己的心情或感受 I feel+ 表示心情或感受的形容 词. 翻译:现在我感觉很累。 Now I feel tired.

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