五年级第二学期第一单元测试题 听力部分(30 分) 一、听两遍录音,选择相应的答句。(5 分) ( )1.A. Because I can play football. B. Because my foot hurts. C.I can't play football. ( )2.A. It's under the bed. B. They are my shoes. C. They're under the bed. ( )3.A. It's on the bed. B. My cousin puts on the new coat. C. It's my new coat. ( )4.A. No,he doesn't. B. Yes,she is. C. Yes,she does. ( )5.A. I go to school. B.I go home at four. C.I'm a t home. 二、听两遍录音,根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(5 分) ( )1.A. At 12 o'clock. B. After 12 o'clock. ( )2.A. Yes,it's cold. ( )3.A. It's under the bag. ( )4.A. Yes,he does. ( )5.A. Yes,she is. B. No,it isn't. C. Before12o'clock. C. Yes,it is. B. They're on the bag. B. No,he doesn't. B. No,she doesn't. C. Yes,he is. C. No,she isn't. 三、听两遍录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5 分) ( )1.A. prince B. princes ( )2.A. no ( )3.A. because ( )4.A. shoe B. shoes ( )5.A. have B. has B. not C. prince's C. don't B. before C. behind C. choose C. having C. They're under the bag. ( )6.A. try B. tries C. trys ( )7.A. clothes ( )8.A. bathroom ( )9.A. takes off B. takes on ( )10.A. by foot B. on feet B. cloth C. clothing B. washroom C. mushroom C. puts on C. on foot 四、听两遍录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(5 分) 五、听三遍录音,填入所缺单词。(10 分) There are many _______in the world. They always _______kind people. One of them _______ to help the kind girl,Cinderella,Cinderella has two stepsisters and she_______ with _______. Her two stepsisters_______ ask Cinderella to do everything for them. But they _______ do _______.Cinderella_______ have any beautiful_______,but she has a nice heart. 笔试部分(70 分) 一、用所给词汇的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.―Would you like _______(some) pears?—Yes,please. 2.一 Who _______(have) to go home now?——All the students. 3. We can't have so_______(many) mushroom soup. 4. The girl _______(try) on the shoe,but it_______(not fit). 5. Little Georg e likes _______(read) stories. 6.__ _____ your cousin _______(understand) that story? 7. There's a big lake in front of the_______(prince) house. 8.―Why ______(can) you go to the party?—Because I don't have any nice clothes. 二、选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。(5 分) ( )1.A. draw B. drive C. try D. dress ( )2.A. prince B. like C. pick D. fit ( )3.A. let ( )4.A. who ( )5.A. but B. because C. English B. why B. put C. when C. sun D. before D. where D. duck 三、英汉互译。(5 分) 1.去参加派对__________________2.试穿一件新夹克衫_______________ 3.让我帮助他___________________4.读关于……的故事____________________ 5.对我们有害________________6.不得不走_________________ 7. leave some money behind _______________8. at the party ____________ 9. What a pity!_________________10. before 12 o'cloc k ___________________ 四、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. The rice is bad. We can't eat _______. A. them ( B. on C. at )3.I don't have _______ nice clothes_______shoes. A. some;and ( C. they )2. There is a party_______ Mike's house. A. of ( B. it B. any;and C. any;or )4. The prince _____ every house. A. visit B. visits C. visits to ( )5. It's nine o'clock.I_______ go to bed now. A. am ( B. do C. have to )6.—Look at my new shorts.—Great!They _______. A. don't fit you ( B. are C. do )8.一_____ do you have dinner?—At 6o'clock. A. How many ( B. How old C. What time )9. Anna doesn't_______ new shoes,but she _______ new T shirts. A. have;have ( C. fit you well )7. Why _______Cinderella's sisters not happy? A. is ( B. fits you B. has;have C. have;has )10. The Monkey King is a story from _______. A. the US B. Canada C、China 五、从右边选项选择合适的句子,完成对话。(6 分) Mum:Be quick,Linda. We are late. Linda:Mum,1._______ Mum:Why? Mum:Don't worry.2.________ A. Let me try on the shoes. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] B.Let's go to the shop and buy a pair of shoes. Linda:Because I don't have any nice shoes. Linda:OK,Mum. C.I don't want to go to the party. D. Now we can go to the party. Mum:What about this pair? Linda:No,I don't like the colour.3.________ E.I like the blue ones. F. Do they fit you? Mum:OK. Give her the blue pair,Size 31,please. Shop assistant:Here you are,young lady. Linda:Thank you.4._________ Mum:5.________ Linda:Yes!Look,Mum. Mum:Great!6.________ 六、根据中文提示,完成句子或对话。(10 分) 1.——王子为什么拜访每家每户?——因为他想要找到灰姑娘。 ________ ________the prince _______ every house? ______ he_______ to find Cinderella. 2.露西试穿了她的新连衣裙,但是它不合身。 Lucy_______ _______,but it _______,but it _______. 3.苏海周末不得不上舞蹈课。 Su Hai ________ _______have dancing lessons at _______. 4.所有的女孩都能去,但是灰姑娘不能。 ______ the girls _______ _______,but Cinderella_______. [来源:学科网] 5.苏洋把一把雨伞留在了公共汽车上。 Su Ya

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