含 be 动词句型转换(否定句 be+not,一般疑问句 be 提前) 1.I am in the bedroom. 2.Mike is a student. 3.They are tall and fat. 4.My mother is a teacher. 5.Jim and Kate are under the tree. 6.There is some water in the bottle. 7.There are some desks in the classroom. 8.The flowers are beautiful. 9.Kitty is short and thin. 10.We are happy. 11.My brother is a student. 12.A dog is near the desk. 含情态动词 can 句型转换(否定句:can+not,一般疑问句 can 提前) 1.I can swim and play football. 2.You can fly a kite . 3.He can make a model plane. 4.My mother can cook some fish. 5.The girls can sing. 6.A cat can climb trees. 7.The children can dance and sing. 8.We can eat some fruit. 含实义动词原形(否定句 don’t+动词原形,一般疑问句:句首加 Do) 1.I like cooking and fishing. 2.My friends do some shopping. 3.They get up at 7:00. 4.We eat breakfast at 7:30. 5.The boys go home after school. 6.Jack and Tom go to school together. 7.The rabbits have red eyes. 8.I like singing and dancing. 9.They do their homework every evening. 10.We eat some vegetables. 11.They want some fruit. 12.My brothers go skating on the weekend. 含实义动词单三(否定句:doesn’t+动词原形,一般疑问句:句首加 Does,后 面动词变原形) 1.He likes playing football and basketball. 2.She has some pets. 3.It eats lunch at 12:00. 4.My sister goes to school at 7:30. 5.My father gets up early every day. 6.Jack eats breakfast at 7:00. 7.Lily rides a bike. 8.Kitty’s sister likes chicken. 9.The rabbit has two red eyes and long ears. 10.She wants some meat. 11.Jack wants apples and oranges. 12.My friend visits his grandparents. 疑问词:what 什么,问物、职业;where 哪里,问地点;when 何时,问时间; what time 几点了,问点钟;what colour 什么颜色,问颜色;what day 星 期几,问星期;what classes 什么课,对科目提问;who 谁,问人;how 怎 样,问身体状况,问交通方式;how much 多少钱,问价钱;how old 多大, 问年龄;whose 谁的,对形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her…)、名词所 有格( Lily’s Lily 的)提问;why 为什么,对原因提问(通常对应回答是 because 因为);how often 多久一次,问频率(once/twice/three times a week/month/year) 注 意 : 画 线 部 分 有 动 词 用 what…do 提 问 ; 画 线 部 分 动 词 有 ing, 用 what…doing 提问。 对画线部分提问步骤: 1. 疑问词代替画线部分 2. 疑问词提前 3. 其他部分变一般疑问句 习题—对画线部分提问: 1.I play football on Sunday. 2.He is my brother. 3.My mother is cleaning the room in the living room. 4.It’s seven twenty. 5.My gloves are yellow. 6.He has ten yuan. 7.Lily is twelve. 8.I often go to a drawing club because I like drawing. 9.She likes swimming on the weekend. 10.The children are reading books in the library. 11.My grandmother cooks lunch in the kitchen. 12.It’s Thursday today. 13.He goes to school on foot. 14.Lily’s cat is under the tree. 15.This is Andy’s book. 16.They can swim. 17.We have music,science and Chinese on Monday. 18.My birthday is on March 21st. 19.I’m fine. 20.It’s January 20th today. 特殊疑问句:对句中某一特殊部分提出疑问的句子,由于特殊疑问句一般是由 wh-疑问词开头的句子,所以特殊疑问句也称为 wh-疑问句。 特殊疑问句的结构:疑问词+一般疑问句语序?

doc文档 语法练习-句型转换全(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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语法练习-句型转换全(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 1 页 语法练习-句型转换全(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 2 页 语法练习-句型转换全(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 3 页 语法练习-句型转换全(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 4 页
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