2021 年外研版六年级上册英语 Module1 基础知识达标检测 A 卷 一、按要求写出下列各词。 1.east(对应词 ) ________ 2.America(形容词) ___ _____ 3.where is(缩写形式) ________ 4.Ca____ ____da(补全单词) 5.M____ ____ ____co(补全单词) 二、根据所给句子选出相应的职业. A.teacher  B.doctor  C.farmer D.driv er E.policeman ( )1.I work in a hospital. I help people. I am a ________. ( )2.I work on the farm. I get many good things in autumn. I am a ________. ( )3.I drive a bus every day. I can travel. I am a ________. ( )4.I work at school. I love my students. I am a ________. ( )5.I am very busy. I catch the thieves(小偷).I am a________. 三、根据句意填写单词。 1. There are lots of Chinese shops and (舞蹈). _______(饭店) ther e. And there’s Chinese _______ 2. I’m ____________(发送) an email to my family in China. 3. I _________( 想要)a new pen. So I ___________(想要) buy a new pen. 4. Do you have______(一些) money? Sorry, I don’t have ______( 一些). But my father has _____(一些)money. 5.There are lots of ___________(自行车)in China. People ride them to work. 四、选择题 1、( )New York is______of America. A. in east 2、( B. in the east C. at the east )What a big map ________ the US! A. in B.of C. about 3、(   ) "Fifteen million" means ________. A. 十五万 4、( B. 一千五百 )We are from _______and we are_____________. A. China China 5、( A. in 6、( A. I 7、( C. 一千五百万 B. Chinese China C. China Chinese )What _________ San Francisco? B.of C. about )Tell ______ more about Hainan. B. my C. me )These postcards ________ great. [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] A.is 8、( B.was C.are )Tell me more _______ the Palace. A.about B.some C.any 9、(   )The flag ________ fifty st ars. A. have got B. has got C. have 10、(   ) ________ a nice picture of the West Lake! A. What B. How C. Where 五、连词成句。 1.New York, is, where(?) ________________________________________________________ 2 . big, China, a, country, is, too(.) ________________________________________________________ 3. the, it’s, the, of, US, in, west(.) ________________________________________________________ 4. west, is, the, Houston, in(.) ________________________________________________________ 5. map, big, a, of, what, China(!) ________________________________________________________ 六、按要求写句子。 1.There is a picture of China.(改为否定句) _____________________________________ 2.My father is in New York with his cousin.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________________ 3.This picture is great.(改为复数句) _________________________________________________ 4.The snake is [two meters long]. (就括号部分提问) ___________________ _____________________________ 5.[My mother] is in Bejing.(就括号部分提问) [来源:学科网 ZXXK] __________________________________________________ 七、选择单词,补全短文。 hot China winter people old east Shanghai is the biggest city in 1.______ . It's in the 2.______ of China. It's got a lot of 3.______.It's an 4.______ city. It's very 5.______ in summer and it's cold in 6.______. 八、给下列句子选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1. Where's Shanghai? ( ) 2.Is it in our town? ( ) 3. How big is it? ( ) 4. Are you a student? ( ) 5. How long is it? A. Yes, it is. B. It's in the east of China. C. It has got five million people. D. It's five thousand kilometres long. E. Yes, I am. 答案: 一、1.west 2.American 3.where's 4.n,a 5.e,x,i 二、1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.E 三、1. restaurants dance 2. sending [来源:学科网] 3. want want to 4. any any some [来源:学§科§网] 5. bicycles / bikes 四 1、B 2、B 3、C 4、C 5、C 6、C 7、C 8、A 9、B 10、A 五、1.Where is New York? 2. China is a big country too. 3. It’s in the west of the US. 4. Houston is in the west. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 5. What a big map of China. 六、1.There isn't a picture of China. 2.Is your father in New York with his cousin? 3.These pictures are great. 4.How long is the snake? 5.Who is in Beijing ? 七、1.China 2.east 3.people 4.old  5.hot 6.winter 八、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D

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