外研版四年级上期末易错题专项达标检 测卷 一、写出下列单词的过去式。(10 分) 1.see ______ 2.wear ______ 3.go ______ 4.take ______ 5.have ______ 二、选词填空。(10 分) doing playing making cooking 1、I’m _______ dumplings. 2、Lingling is _______ TV. 3、They’re _______ Taijiquan . 4、Xiaoyong is_______ basketball. 5、Mum is _______ vegetables 三、单项选择。(7 分) ( )1. ______ you jump high? A .Are ( B.Is C.Can )2.Can you ______ a kite? A.fly B.flies C.flying watching ( )3.I’m the ______. A.win ( C.winner )4.I ______ find my book.Where is it,mum? A.can’t ( B.winer B.not C.can )5.—Can you jump far? —No,I ______. A.can B. can’t C.don’t ( )6. _____ people invented paper. A. Chinese B. English C. French ( ) 7. -- Where are apples? -- They are ____ the table. A. in B. on C. above ( )8. Look ___ the blackboard. A. to B. o f C. at [来源:Zxxk.Com] ( )9. This _____ is my uncle. A. man B. men C. woman ( )10. -- Six and five is eleven. -- __________ A. Sorry. B. That’s right. 四、选出不同类的选项。(5 分) C. It’s wrong. ( )1.A.pig B.sea C.lion ( )2.A.sock B.shoe ( )3.A.sing B.playing C.climbing ( )4.A.is B.are C.sheep [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] C.be ( )5.A.banana B.fruit C.apple 五、选择 am,is,are 填空。(10 分) 1.He_______going to visit America. 2.We_________playing chess. 3.Daming and I ________flying kites. 4.The monkey ________climbing a tree. 5.I______ridingahorse. 六、将错误一项的序号写在括号里,将改正的写在横线上。(10 分) 1.—Can I have some breads? —Yes, you can. (_____)_______ A B C 2.She cans have some pears. (_____) __________ [来源:Zxxk.Com] A B C 3 .Mum, I am hungry. Can I have some milks? (_____) _____ A B C 4.It’s very duck. Turn on the light. (_____) ________ A B C 5.Can I come on? (_____) __________ A B C 七、选词填空。(5 分) 1.We are going to visit the zoo_______ Sunday.(in, on, at) 2.They are going to get up_________ seven o’clock.(in, on, at) 3.Look!The pigs________________vegetables.(eat, eating, are eating) 4.Let’s_________to the park.(go, goes, going) 5.Can you_________ high?(jumping, jump) 八、英汉互译。(5 分) 1.happy Halloween __________ 2.进来 ________ 3.Here you are! ______ 4.当然_______________ 5.turn on _________ 九、写出下列动词的 ing 形式。(10 分) 1. do ________ 2.make ________ [来源:学科网] 3. cook ________ 4. want _______ _ 5.swim ________ 6. Run________ 十、情景选择(10 分) 1.放学回家,你感到饿了,想吃些面包,你应该向妈妈说:_____ ( ) A.Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some bread? B.Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some breads? 2.当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该怎么回答?( ) A. Thank you. B. You’re welcome. 3.厨房里很黑暗,你想请妈妈把灯打开,你应该说:_____ ( ) A.Mum, it’s very dark. Please turn down the light. B.Mum, it’s very dark. Please turn on the light. [来源:Zxxk.Com] 4.你应该这样向好朋友萨姆祝贺生日:_______ ( ) A.Happy birthday to you, Sam. B.Happy New Year to you, Sam. 5.已经上课了,你才来到学校,你应该向老师说:_____ ( ) A.Sorry, can I come in? B.Sorry, can I come here? 十一、用所给词填空(10 分) Is are Look, this ________ my family. There ________ five people in my family. There _______ one boy. That’s me. There _______ two men. They _______ my dad and grandfather. The re _______ two women. We _______ visiting the zoo. There______many animals here. 十二、连词成句(10 分) 1.have, I, soup, can, some(?) _______________________________ 2.light, please, on, the, turn(.) ________________________________ 3.sweets, want, you, some, do(?) ________________________________ 4.is, Halloween, today(.) ________________________________ 5.hunry, am, very, I(.) ________________________________ 参考答案 一、1.saw 2.wore 3.went 4.took 5.had 二、1.making 2. watching 3.doing 4.playing 5.cooking 三、C A C A B A B C A B 四、B C A C B 五、is are are is am 六、1. C bread 2. B Can 3. C milk 4. B dark 5. C in 七、on at are eating go jump 八、1.万圣节快乐 2.come in 3.给你! 4.of course 5.打开 九、doing making cooking wangting swimming running 十、1.A2.A3.B4.A5.A 十一、is are is a re are are are are 十二、1.Can I have some soup? 2.Please turn on the light. 3 .Do you want some sweets? 4.Today is Halloween. 5.I am very hungry.

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