Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? 一课一练 ●基础巩固 一、根据句意或首字母填空。 1.Sam w_______ some rice. 2.Amy likes C_______ fast food. 3. Look! The girls are eating n_______ 4.My mother wants some r_______ for lunch. 5.Do you want some t_______? 二、选词填空,补全句子。 A.are C.also D.making E.some 1. Milk is nice. Juice is _______ nice. 2.Do you want _______ eggs? 3.Here _______ noodles with tomato and egg. 4.—What _______ you want? —Rice and fish,please. 5.—What is he doing? —He's _______ a cake. 三、单项选择题。 ( )1.-_______do you want?--I want some rice. A.What B.Where C.When ( ) 2.-Do you want some fish?--- _______.I am full. A.Yes,please B.No,thanks C.OK ( ) 3.Lily likes rice and I _______ like it. A.also B.too ( ) 4.Please look _______ my pictures. A.on B./ ( ) 5.We have _______ vegetables and fruit. A.a lot B.lot of C.lots of 四、情景交际。选择正确答案。 ( )1.Amy 和妈妈一起去餐馆吃饭,点餐时,妈妈想知道 Amy 想 吃什么,她会问: ( )2.乐乐去朋友家做客,朋友问他要不要喝果汁,乐乐可能会说 : ( )3.你去超市买东西,超市在做牛奶促销活动,促销员会问你: ( )4.张冰带着他的外国朋友到学校餐厅吃饭,看到米饭套餐时, 张冰可以这样说: A.Do you want some milk? B.What do you want? C.No,thank you. D.Look! This is Chinese fast food. 五、按要求写句子。 1.want/some/I/potatoes(.)(连词成句) _________________________________________ 2.noodles/with/tomato/here/are/and/egg(.) (连词成句) _________________________________________ 3.I want an apple.(改为否定句) _________________________________________ 4.I want some noodles.(对划线部分提问) _________________________________________ 5.My father wants a new car.(变一般疑问句) _________________________________________ ●能力提升 六、改错。 1.Sam want some rice. A ( )改为_____ B C 2.I want some noodles for tomato. A ( )改为_____ B C 3.The girl is eat noodles. ( )改为_____ A B C 4.The dumplings is nice.I want some more. ( )改为_____ A B C 5.Look at that man. She is my teacher. ( )改为_____ A B C 七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 There are many animals in the zoo.They are good friends.And they like delicious food.The rabbit likes rice and cakes.The fat lion likes noodles and dumplings. Does the elephant like cakes?Yes.Does the monkey like eating eggs?No,it likes rice very much. ( ) 1.The rabbit likes rice and cakes ( ) 2.The lion is n't fat.It likes dumplings. ( ) 3.The elephant likes cakes and noodles. ( ) 4.The monkey doesnt like eating eggs. ( ) 5.All the animals like rice. 答案 一、根据句意或首字母填空。 1.wants 2.Chinese 3.noodles 4.rice 5.tomatoes 二、选词填空,补全句子。 1---5 C E A B D 三、单项选择题。 1---5A B A C C 四、情景交际。选择正确答案。 1---4 B C A D 五、按要求写句子 1.I want some potatoes. 2.Here are noodles with tomato and egg. 3.I don't want an apple. 4.What do you want? 5.Does your father want a new car? 六、改错。 1.A 改为 wants 2.B 改为 with 3.B 改为 eating 4.A 改为 are 5.C 改为 He 七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1---5 TFFTF

doc文档 【分层培优】四年级上册英语课时练习-Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice?外研三起(含答案)

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