教科版六年级下册期末笔试题型分类训练: 阅读和写作专题(含答案) 班级:_________________ 姓名:______________分数:_________________ 题型:1.完型填空 2.阅读 3.写作 题型一、完型填空 一、读短文,选择适当的单词填空,把字母编号写在括号内。(8 分) A Crow(鸟鸦)and a Fox One day a crow 1.____________a piece of meat.She picked 2.____________the meat in her mouth and flew to a tall tree.She was just going to eat the meat when a fox saw her.The fox came and 3.____________under the tree.He said,"How pretty you are!You must be the most beautiful bird in the world." The crow was very pleased (by these 4.____________.Then the fox said again.”I can 5.____________your pretty face,but I have not heard your voice(声音).Why don’t you sing a song?” This 6.____________the crow very happy.She opened her mouth and began to sing.As she opened her mouth,the meat 7.____________down.The fox ate the meat at once and 8.____________away. ( )1.A.find B.found ( )2.A.up ( )3.A.stand B.stands C.stood ( )4.A.word B.words C.world ( )5.A.see ( )6.A.make B.with B.saw B.made C.finding C.at C.seeing C.makes ( )7.A.fall B.feel C.fell ( )8.A.run B.ran C.running 题型二、阅读理解 一、读信件,选择问题的最佳答案,把字母编号写在括号内。(5 分) Dear Ally, Yesterday I got in trouble again.I was late for school because I couldn't find my homework or my school-bag.I had to(不得不)stay after school and do my homework over again.I was upset because I missed basketball practice(训练).I don't want to miss practice again.What should I do? Yours, Sam Dear Sam, The solution to your problem is easy.You should get organized.You should find a special place to keep your books and schoolbag.Always put them there after you finish your homework.In the morning,your things will be easy to find.You won't be late,and you won't miss basketball practice anymore. Yours, Ally ( )1.Why was Sam late for school yesterday? A.He got up very late in the morning. B.He didn't finish his homework. C.He couldn't find his homework or his schoolbag. ( )2.What did Sam have to do after school yesterday? A. He had to stay after school and do his homework over again. B.He had to stay after school and went to basketball practice. C.He had to go back home and finish his homework. ( )3.Did Ally think there was an easy solution to Sam's problem? A.Yes,she does. ( B.Yes,she did. C.No,she didn't. )4.What should Sam do about his problem? A.He should put his books and schoolbag at school. B.He should put his books and schoolbag in a different place every day C.He should put his books and schoolbag in a special place every day. ( )5.What does "get organized"mean here? A.早起 B.做事有条理的 C.做事很努力的 二、给下面的图片找到相对应的英文描述,把字母编号写在括号里。(6 分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) A.But when he opened his mouth,the meat fell off and the fox ran away with it.The crow was very angry and the fox was very happy. B.He turned his eyes and had an idea."How are you,dear crow?"The crow looked at the fox and didn't answer."Dear crow,how is your child?"The crow looked at the fox,but did not answer. C.The fox wagged his tail."Your feather is beautiful.You are more beautiful than other birds.And you have a good voice.Can you sing me a song?"The crow was very proud of it and began to sing. D.One day,the crow got a piece of meat and a fox saw it.The fox wanted to get the meat from the crow's mouth.The crow was holding the meat in its mouth in the tree,and the fox could not get it under the tree. 三、读短文,给 1 一 5 小题选择最佳答案,把字母编号写在括号里;回答 6 一 7 小题,把答案写在横线上。(7 分) Dr Zhong Nanshan is one of the famous medical scientists in the world.He was born in Nanjing,Jiangsu in1936.His family moved to Guangzhou when he was 11 years old.He became a doctor in 1971.He loves sports and takes exercise very often.That's one of his secrets to keep strong and healthy.He is85 years old this year,but he still looks young. In the spring of2003,the SARS broke out(非典爆发)in China.Zhong Nanshan took part in the battle((战争)against(对抗)SARS actively(积极地).At that time no one really knew much about SARS and it was very dangerous,Zhong Nanshan and other doctors worked hard day and night to help the sick people.”Send(送)the severely ill(病重的)people to me,”he said.After their hard work for several months,many people’s lives were saved.The SARS was stopped at last!Zhong Nanshan was awarded (被授予)one of the top ten people moving China(感动中国)in2003. After 17 years,in the spring of2020,before the Spring Festival,covid--l9(新型 冠状病毒)broke out in Wuhan.Zhong Nanshan told us not to go to Wuhan,but he himself went there quietly.He stood up again like a”soldier”(战士)and fought(抵 抗)against c

doc文档 教科版六年级下册期末笔试题型分类训练:阅读+写作(含答案)

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