Unit 2 What a day! Grammar time- Song time 第 2 课时 一、从下列每组单词中选出画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.near B.dear ( )2.A.wear ( )3.A.their C.where B.year D.here C.hear B.bear C.pear D.ear D.learn ( )4.A.cloud B.house C.blouse D.cousin ( )5.A.honey B.come C.brother D.home 二、按要求写词 。 1.brin g(过去式) 2.were(原形) 3.could not(缩略形式) 4. cloud(形容词) 5.sun(形容词) 6.child(复数) 7.see(过去式) 8.become( 过去式) 9.rainy(名词) 10.fly(过去 式) [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] 三、单项选择。 ( )1.They have to A.start the game again. B.started ( )2.The teacher and her students A.was [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K] B.are C.starting playing games now. [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] C.were ( )3. it often in winter here? A.Do; rain B.Does; rains ( )4.I don’t like the weather. I like sunshine. A.cloud B.cloudy ( )5.There ( )6.—It’s B.wasn’t C.was today. We can’t go out to have a picnic. —What a pity! [来源:学科网 ZXXK] A.sunny B.cloudy C.rainy some bread and drinks from my home. A.brings ( )8.It C.sunny any honey in the bottle in a moment ago. A.weren’t ( )7.I C.Does; rain B.takes windy yesterday. I A.is; fly C.brought kites with my friends in the park. B.was; flew C.was; flying 四、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句,将其序号写在题前的括号内。 I II ( )1.Was it sunny? A.I saw an interesting parrot show. ( )2.Could you ride a bike? B.No, I couldn’t. ( )3.What did you see? C.By bike. ( )4.How was the weather? D.No, it wasn’t. ( )5.How do you go to the park? E.It was cloudy. 五、根据中文提示完成句子。 1.早上的天气是晴朗且有风的。 It and in the morning. 2.该吃午饭了,杨玲。 It’s , Yang Ling. 3.看!那架飞机在天空中飞得如此高。 Look! The plane so in the sky. [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] 4.昨天王兵和他的朋友们在操场上打了篮球。 Wang Bing and his friends in the yesterday. 5.上个星期日下了一整天的雨。 It all last Sunday. 答案 一、1-5CADDD 二 、 1.brought 2.are 3.couldn’t 4.cloudy 5.sunny 6.children 7.saw 8.became 9.rain 10.flew 三、1-8ABCBBCCB 四、1-5DBAEC 五 、 1.was sunny; windy 2.time for lunch 3.is flying; high 4.played basketball; playground 5.rained; day

docx文档 【分层培优】六年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 2 What a day 第2课时 Grammar time- Culture time 译林版(含答案)

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【分层培优】六年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 2 What a day  第2课时 Grammar time- Culture time 译林版(含答案) 第 1 页 【分层培优】六年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 2 What a day  第2课时 Grammar time- Culture time 译林版(含答案) 第 2 页 【分层培优】六年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 2 What a day  第2课时 Grammar time- Culture time 译林版(含答案) 第 3 页
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