语法提优(4) 特殊疑问词 特殊疑问词是用来构成特殊疑问句的单词或短语,它们可以用来对句中某 一成分进行提问,一般置于句首。下面一起来看看各种特殊疑问词吧! 特殊疑问词 意思 用法 what 什么 问东西 what time 什么时候 问时间 what colour 什么颜色 问颜色 what/how about ……怎么样 问意见 where 在哪里 问地点 who 谁 问人 how old 多大 问年龄 练习 一、对划线部分提问 1. This is a pen. ________is this? 2. The woman is my mother. ________is the woman? 3. I’m ten. ________ ________ ________ ________? 4. My books are on the desk. ________ ________ ________books? 5. The skirt is blue. ________ ________is the skirt? 6. It’s seven o’clock now. ________ ________is it now? 7. These are apples. ________are these? 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. -What’s this? -________ A. It’s a rubber. ( B. It’s rubber. C. No, it’s a rubber. B. What’s C. Where B. How’s C. Where’s B. What’s, Yes C. Is, No B. Yes, it’s here. C. It’s red. ) 2. -________the lunch box? -It’s over there. A. Where’s ( ) 3. -________your ruler? -It’s in my schoolbag. A. What’s ( ) 4. -________that a ruler? -________, it isn’t. A. Is, Yes ( ) 5. -Where’s your schoolbag? -________ A. It’s in my desk. 三、根据要求完成句子 1. -这是什么? -这是我的英语书(根据中文提示补全句子) -________this? -________my________book. 2. 远处那个是什么?(根据中文提示补全句子) ________is________ ________ ________? 3. your, where, English, is, book(?)(连词成句) _____________________________________ 4. old, sister, is, how, your(?)(连词成句) _____________________________________ 5. is, that, what, tree, behind(?)(连词成句) _____________________________________ 答案 一、1. What 2. Who 4. Where are your 3. How old are you 5. What colour 二、1-5 AACCA 三、1. What’s, It’s, English 2. What, that over there 3. Where is your English book? 4. How old is your sister? 5. What is behind that tree? 6. What time 7. What

docx文档 三升四英语暑假语法提优-特殊疑问词(译林版三起,含答案)

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三升四英语暑假语法提优-特殊疑问词(译林版三起,含答案) 第 1 页 三升四英语暑假语法提优-特殊疑问词(译林版三起,含答案) 第 2 页 三升四英语暑假语法提优-特殊疑问词(译林版三起,含答案) 第 3 页
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