时态专项练习—现在进行时 一.写出下列动词的现在分词 1. play__________ 6.like___________ 2. run___________ 7.write___________ 3. swim____________ 8.ski_____________ 4. make_____________ 9.read_____________ 5. go_______________ 10.lie______________ 二.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. -What_______you_______now? -I_______(play) video games. 2. Listen!Miss Brown________(sing) an English song. 3. Amy can______(ride) a horse now. 4. My parents_______(get) ready for my birthday party these days. 5. Look at the picture.The children_______(fly) kites in the park. 6. I am thirsty.I______(want) to drink some juice now. 7. The boy_______(draw) a picture now. 8. Look!They______(have) an English lesson. 9. My mother______(cook) some nice food now. 10.They________(not,water) the flowers now. 三.单项选择 1. Look!The plane________over the building. A. is flying B.flying C.flies D.is going to flying 2. It’s________now. A. raining B.rains C.rain D.rained 3. I am______the ball to Jenny. A. hit B.hitting C.hiting D.hits 4. Is the man_______tea or milk? A. drinks B.drink C.drinking 5. Sam_______hard.Look!He_______now. D.drank A. studies;studies B.study;studies C.studies;is studying D.is studying;studies 6. Don’t talk here.Grandparents__________. A. sleep B.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeps 7. It’s ten o’clock and Jack______still______his homework. A. is;do B.is;doing C.are;do D.are;doing 8. I_______a letter,so I can’t go out with you. A. is writing B.am writing C.am writeing D.writing 9. The Blacks _______to the cinema now. A. go B.goes C. is going D.are going 10.It’s nine ten.The students________a music class. A. have B.having C.are having D.has 四.按要求改写句子 1. Ten little Indians are dancing hand in hand.(改为否定句) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Tom is playing football with Mike.(一般疑问句) ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Anna has an English lesson every day.(用 now 替换 every day 改写) ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Mum is making lunch for us in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The children are having a picnic in the park.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________________________________ 五.用现在进行时改写下列句子 1. The students drew some pictures last Friday.(now) ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Sam is going to do his homework this evening.(at the moment) ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. My uncle will play football next Sunday.(now) ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Mary walks to school every day.(now) ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The students had a math lesson yesterday.(It’s 9 o’clock) ____________________________________________________________________________ 六、阅读理解 One day an old man is selling a big elephant.A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it carefully.The old man comes up to him and says in his ear,“Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it.Then I will give you twenty dollars.”“All right,”says the young man.After the old man sells the elephant,he gives the young man twenty dollars and says,“Now can you tell me how you find the elephant’s bad ear?” “I don’t find the bad ear,”says the young man. “Then why were you looking at the elephant carefully?”asks the old man.The young answers,“Because I have never seen an elephant before,and I want to know what it looks like.” ( )1.________the elephant. A. The young man sells B. The two men sells ( B.The old man sells D.The old man buys )2.The young man looks at the elephant carefully.He wants to find out________. A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. which ear of the elephant is bad ( B.how heavy it is D.what it looks like )3.The young man_________________. A. knows the elephant has a bad ear B. looks after the elephant ( D.gets some money from the old man )4.The young man_________________. A. is not interested in elephants B. has seen some elephants before ( B.wants to buy the elephant B.knows what an elephant looks like D.has never seen an elephant before )5.Hearing what the young man says,the old man will probably be___________. A.angry B.happy C.dangerous D.hungry 答案:一.1.playing 6. liking 2.running 7.writing 8.skiing 二.1.are;doing;am p

doc文档 小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册

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小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册   第 1 页 小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册   第 2 页 小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册   第 3 页 小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册   第 4 页 小升初时态专项-现在进行时 (试题)通用版英语六年级下册   第 5 页
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