五年级下册 Unit 7 Chinese Festival 易错题 一、辨音,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. mouth )3. know )5. March )7. knock )9. call )11. favourite )13. mother with flower school wash horse young cousin ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )2. June )4. August )6. mountain )8. dumpling )10. present )12. uncle )14. Chinese July water how mango send nice Christmas 二、按要求写词。 1. two (序数词) 2. thirty-one (序数词) 3. September(缩略式) 4. March (后一个月) 5. climb (动名词) 6. nine (序数词) 7. city (复数) 8. different (反义词) 9. teach (三单) 10. skate (现在分词) 11. wash (三单) 12. tomato (复数) 13. take (现在分词) 14. run (现在分词) 15. catch (三单) 16. my (复数) 17. who’s (同音词) 18. write (同音词) 19. summer (对应词) 20. twenty (序数词) 三、汉译英 1、在一月或二月到来______________ _ 2、在十月一日去度假______________ 3、在他祖父母家吃晚餐_______ 5、和他们的家人团聚_____________ 4、在重阳节吃米糕和登山_________ 6、在五月的第二个星期天____________ 7、在中秋节吃月饼_________________ 8、拜访他们的父母和祖父母 _____________ 9、称它为中国新年 ______________ _ 10、敲人们的门 ________________ 1 四、根据提示完成句子。 1. Yang Ling (在端午节看龙舟比赛). 2. Chinese people (在春节与他们的家人团聚). 3. I (在母亲节给妈妈做了张贺卡). 4. Listen! The children (正在教室里谈论给爸爸的礼物). 5. My mother is happy (受到我们的生日礼物). 6. Halloween is (在十月三十一日). 7. We (在重阳节拜访我们的祖父母). 8. Are the students 9. (正在上一节舞蹈课)? (我最喜欢的节日) is the Spring Festival. 10. Nancy’s uncle (经常在星期天去钓鱼). 五、用适当的介词填空。(不需要填写处用“/”表示) 1.I get up seven every day. 2. Our first lesson begins 3. Children’s Day is eight the first the morning. June. 4. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival 5. We like fly kites old people. spring. 6. Chinese People get together with their families 7. Liu Tao likes going skating weekends. 8. I want to buy some flowers my mother 2 the Spring Festival. her birthday. 9. Christmas Day is the twenty-fifth of December. Western children get presents from their parents Christmas Day. 10. What lessons do you have Monday morning? 11. I would like to go fishing my father 12. Look!There are some birds 13. We watch a film this afternoon. the trees. There are some fruit the trees. the afternoon of the first of October. 14. Halloween is the thirty-first of October. Children in the US dress up Halloween. 15. There is a lot of rain March. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. -Do you want (go) (shop) with (we)? -OK, let’s go. 2. - Who (play) the violin in the park? -Oh, two beautiful girls are. 3. –How yummy! What –I you (do) now, Mum? (cook) meat. 4. My brother (have) a 5. What’s the matter with (skate) lesson every Sunday. (she)? She has a bad 6. Chinese people usually (visit) (head). (they) relatives and friends at Spring Festival. 7. There are twelve 8. It is (month) in a year. December is (woman) Day on the My mother (skate)? –Yes. I’m also good at your mother – Yes, she does. She 11. Look! Lily (eight) of March. (get) some presents from my father. 9. Do you do well in 10. - (twelve) month. (like) (swim). (watch) TV? (like) TV operas (电视剧). (help) her father (grow) flowers in the garden. 12. I can see some birds in the tree now. They 3 (sing) (happy). 13. -Are you (do) your homework, Ling Ling? -No, I (write) an email to my friend, Mum. 14. We are happy (go) (fish) on the farm on May Day. 15. It’ s five in the afternoon. The students are busy. Some some (clean) the windows, others 16. You (should) play too many mobile games. (sweep) the floor, (tidy) up the desks and chairs. (play) mobile games (be) bad for your eyes and study. 17. –Where’s your sister? -She (play) with her doll in the bedroom. 18. I’d like (help) my father 19. Halloween is on the (clean) the car. (31) of October. My cousin (dress) up at Halloween. 20. Be quiet! The child (sleep). She usually (go) to bed early. 六、单项选择 ( ( ( )1. What do the children usually do A. on B. for )2. Mother’s Day is on of May. Halloween? C. at A.second C. the second Sunday )3. People like A. go climb ( B. going climbing B. ninth )6. Are you good at )7. C. the ninth ? B. playing piano C. play the piano the girl have on Monday morning? A. What lessons do ( C. tells month in a year. A. playing the piano ( C. go climbing a question in class. B. is telling )5. September is A. nine ( at the Double Ninth Festival. )4. Don’t talk. David A. is asking ( B. second Sunday )8. -What about -Sorry. I have A. B. What subjects do C. What subjects does this afternoon? homework. going shopping; much B. go shopping; many C. going shopping; many 4 ( ( ( )9. Listen! Who A. play piano walks C. flying; is riding C. walk Mother

doc文档 Unit 7 Chinese Festival(易错题)-2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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