5-6 单元专项五 选择合适的句子 (单词 )补全对话 (易错题) 一、根据上下文,选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。 A. Good afternoon, Mike. B.1.__________ A. 2.__________ B. It;s four o’clock . 3.________ A. Yes. Let’s go home together(一起). B. OK. 4._________ What’s in it? A. There are ten crayons, two pens and twelve books! B. Wow! How heavy(重的)! A. Yes, it is. 5._________ Don’t be late for dinner. B. OK. A. Hurry up, Mike, B. What time is it? C. Good afternoon , Liu Tao. D. You schoolbag is nice and big. E. It’s time to go home. 二、根据上下文,选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:1.________,Helen! 1.B 2.C 3.A4.D B:Thank you. A:2.________? B:I'm eight.3.________,Yang Ling? A:I'm nine.Make a wish,Helen. B:I want a nice pen. A: 4.________. B:Thank you. A.What about you B.Happy Birthday C.How old are you D.This pen is for you 三、根据上下文选择正确的选项,补全对话。 A: 1.________old 2.________you? B: I’m 3._______. A: This toy car is 4._______you. Here 5._____are. B: 6.______ a nice toy car! Thank you. ( ) 1.A.What ( ) 2.A.is B.How B.am ( ) 3.A.five B. fine ( ) 4.A.for B. to ( ) 5.A.me B. you ( ) 6.A.How B.What's C.how C.are C.nice C.in C.your C.What 四、根据上下文,选择单词或短语补全对话。 What time lunch box up for your Where's is A:Hurry 1.________Mike. B:2______ ______is it, Mum? A:It's eight.It's time 3.______school. B:4.______my pencil case? A:Is it in 5.______schoolbag? B:Oh,yes.It's in my schoolbag.But where's my 6.______ ______? A:Look,that 7.______your lunch box.It's in your schoolbag too. B:Thank you.Mum.Goodbye. A:Goodbye. 五、看图,根据课文内容完成对话。 1.Miss Li:______up,Liu Tao. 1. Hurry;What ; eight;class Liu Tao:______time is it,Miss Li? Miss Li:It's _______o'clock.It's time for_____. 2.Mike:Good______ ,Yang Ling. Yang Ling:Good evening,Mike. Mike:What______is it? Yang Ling:It's_____o'clock.It's_____for dinner. Mike:Let’s go home(让我们回家吧).Dinner is ready.Goodbye. Yang Ling:______,Mike. 六、看图片,根据课文内容将下列对话补充完整。 1.Mum:________up, Taotao. Taotao:What______is it,Mum? Mum:It's seven o’clock.It's time for______ 2. Taotao:______ time is it,Mum? Mum:It's nine o’clock.It’s time for______ Taotao:______, Mum. 参考答案 一、1.C 2.B 3.E 4.D 5.A 二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 三、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 四、1.up 2.What time 3.for 4.Where's 5.your 6.lunchbox 7.is 五、 1. Hurry; What ; eight; class 2. evening; time; six; time; Goodbye 六、 1.Wake; time; breakfast 2.What; bed; OK

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