期末真题汇编 六年级下册英语---句子翻译+句子改写+看图完成句子+句子 配对 句子翻译 一、(2020·江苏南通·六年级期末) 1.Welcome _____________________________(来自不同国家的舞蹈家们). 2.Our teacher asks us to _____________________________(按时完成家庭作业) at home. 3.Listening to the teacher carefully in class is _____________________________(好习惯). 4.He always _____________________________(收集旧书) for poor children. 5.My dream is to _____________________________(环游世界). 6.He never _____________________________(安静地读书). 7.(2021·江苏南通·六年级期中)_____________________________(吃太多的肉) is bad for our health 8.It _____________________________ (变得多雨) yesterday afternoon. 答案:1.dancers come from different countries.2.finish homework on time 3.good habit4.collects old books5.travel around the world6.reads books quietly 7.Eating too much meat8.became very rainy 二、(2021·江苏泰州·六年级期末) 1.比利没有一个健康的饮食,他应该多吃蔬菜。 Billy doesn’t have a _____ diet. He should eat more _____. 2.舞蹈让人变美丽和健康。 _____ _____ people beautiful and healthy. 3.澳大利亚人民欢迎参观者。 People in Australia _____ _____. 4.袁隆平是一位伟大的农业科学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。 Yuan Longping is a agricultural _____ _____. He was known as “the Father of Hybrid Rice”. 5.我的梦想是看到你们的梦想实现。 My dream is to _________ your dreams _________ _________. 6.下周他们将上演一部新剧。 They _________ _________ _________a new play this week. 7.那个小女孩昨晚哭得很伤心。 The little girl _________ _________ _________ night. 8.许多孩子不关心自己的健康,我想帮助他们。 Many children _________ _________ _________ their health. I want to help them. 9.他们想发现关于澳大利亚的更多事情。 They want to _________ _________ more about Australia. 答案:1. healthy 5.see come vegetables2. Dancing true6. will put on7.cried makes3.welcome sadly visitors4.great last8.don’t care scientist about9.find out 三、(2020·江苏苏州·六年级期末) 1..儿童节在什么时候? 在六月一日。 —When's Children's Day? —It's on the __________ of __________. 2..为了保持健康,我们不应该吃太多的肉。 To __________ __________, we shouldn't eat too much meat. 3.狮子看着老鼠,大声地笑起来。 The lion looked at the mouse and __________ __________. 4.人们通常在春节和家人团聚。 People usually get together with their family at the __________ __________. 5.中国是个伟大的国家,我们都热爱我们的祖国。 __________ is a great __________. We all love her. 答案:1. first June2. keep healthy3.laughed happily4.Spring Festival5.China 四、(2020·江苏·扬州市育才小学六年级期末) 1.运动使得我们健康又强壮。 Sport _____ us _____ and _____. 2.去年我牙疼得厉害。从那时起,我再也不吃糖果了。 I _____ a bad toothache last year. From _____ on, I _____ ate sweets. 3.好的学习习惯能帮助我们学得快并且记得牢。 Good study habits can _____ us learn things quickly and remember them _____ 4.在月球上驾驶太空车是我的梦想。 country _____ a space truck on the Moon is my _____. 5.一天,一只老鼠路过并且吵醒了狮子。 One day, a mouse _________________ and _________________ the lion. 答案:1.makes healthy strong2. had then never3. help well4. Driving dream5. walked by woke up 五、(2020·江苏淮安·六年级期末) 1.他们的梦想是什么? What are ____________ ____________? 2.很多孩子不关心他们的牙齿。 Many children don’t ____________ ____________ their ____________. 3.我想成为一名艺术家。 I want to ____________ ____________ ____________. 4.遵守交通规则,你就会容易地穿过繁忙的街道。 ____________ the traffic rules and you can cross the busy street ____________. 答案:1. their dreams2. care about teeth3. be an artist4. Obey easily 六、(2020·江苏·苏州市吴江区绸都小学六年级期末) 1.杨玲昨天晚上带我们参观了她的新家。 Yang Ling _________________ her new home _________________. 2.他总是在上课觉得困是因为他从不早睡觉。 He always _________________ in class. Because he never _________________. 3.吴江是一座美丽的城市,在这儿的人们欢迎游客。 Wu jiang is a _________________. People here _________________. 4.威力喜欢画画,他想要成为一名画家。 Willy _________________. He wants to be _________________. 答案:1. showed us around 4.likes painting an artist last night2.feels sleepy goes to bed early3.beautiful city welcome visitors 句子改写 (一) 1.(2022·江苏·六年级专题练习)My mum bought a new dress yesterday. (改为否定句) My mum _____ _____ a new dress yesterday. 2.(2020·江苏泰州·六年级期末)He did well at home before. (否定句) He _________ _________ well at home before. 3.(2020·江苏泰州·六年级期末)The mouse bit the net with his sharp teeth. (用一般将来时改写) The mouse _________ _________ the net with his sharp teeth. 4.(2020·江苏泰州·六年级期末)He will have a party next weekend. (用 last 替换 next) He _________ a party last weekend. 5.(2020·江苏南京·六年级期末)I’ll visit many places this summer holiday. (改为否定句) I _______ _______ many places this summer holiday. 6.(2020·江苏南京·六年级期末)Miss Li is going to bring some fruit for lunch. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Miss Li going to bring _______ fruit for lunch? 7.(2020·江苏南京·六年级期末)We must follow the traffic rules to stay safe. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ you do to stay safe? 8.(2020·江苏徐州·六年级期末)Liu Tao has a new bike. (改为一般疑问句) ________ Liu Tao ________ a new bike? 9

doc文档 【期末真题分类汇编】六年级下册英语--句子改写+句子翻译+句子配对+看图完成句子 译林版三起

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