新人教 PEP 六年级英语下册 单元测试卷 (时间:60 分 满分:100 分) 姓名:____________________班级:____________________得分:____________________ 一、请判断下列画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。(10 分) ________ 1. A. younger B. smarter C. taller ________ 2. A. shadow B. both C. now ________ 3. A. kilogram B. become C. countryside ________ 4. A. thinner B. than C. them ________ 5. A. smaller B. hall C. all 二、按要求填写。(10 分) 1. heavy (比较级) ________ 2. thin (比较级) ________ 3. longer and longer (翻译) ________ 4. two (序数词) ________ 5. beautiful (比较级) ________ 6. tall (最高级) ________ 7. small (比较级) ________ 8. 去旅行(翻译) ________ 9. 看一看(翻译) ________ 10. 越来越低(翻译) ________ 三、给下列句子或对话选择合适的图片。(10 分) A. B. C. D. E. ( ) 1. Look, the little girl is heavier than that boy. ( ) 2. Our teacher would like to go hiking with us. ( ) 3. -What size are your shoes, madam? -Size 37. ( ) 4. My uncle is thinner than my dad. They like to have dinner together. ( ) 5. -Which pencil do you want? -I want the longer one. 四、单项选择。(15 分) ( ) 1. My hands are bigger than ____. A. you B. your C. yours ( ) 2. Tom is 13, and his brother is 6. So Tom is seven years ____ than his brother. A. older B. heavier C. bigger ( ) 3. -____ is your father? -He is 1.75 meters. A. How heavy B. How old C. How tall ( ) 4. Wu Yifan is much ____ than his sister. A. strong B. stronger C. thiner ( ) 5. Mike is 1.62 meters. He is 0.03 meters taller than Lily. Lily is ____. A. 1.59 meter B. 1.59 meters C. 1.58 meters ( ) 6. The white dog is ____ and ____ than the brown one. A. tall; older B. taller; old C. taller; older ( ) 7. The sun ____ down every day, and we ____ older every day, too. A. goes; grow B. goes; grows C. go; grows ( ) 8. The sun is getting ____ and the shadow is getting ____. A. low; longer B. lower; longer C. higher; longer ( ) 9. I’m 50 kilograms. So I am ____ than you. A. taller B. heavy C. heavier ( ) 10. The dinosaur is taller than both ____ us together. A. for B. of C. on ( ) 11. -Let’s go ____ a trip ____ the Mount Tai. -Good idea! A. on; for B. on; to C. at; to ( ) 12. Will Tom ____ with me tomorrow? A. go hiking B. goes hiking C. go hike ( ) 13. I have 5 candies, and she has 20 candies. So she has ____ than I. A. much B. many C. more ( ) 14. He is stronger, ____ he can’t catch the ball. A. and B. but C. or ( ) 15. -____ are your shoes? -Size 7. A. What size B. How big C. How old 五、用方框中单词的适当形式填空。(每次只用一次)(10 分) tall; small; funny; strong; heavy; short; long; her; big; thin 1. My friend is 45 kilograms. I am 40 kilograms. She is ________ than me. 2. -How ________ are you? -1.6 meters. 3. The dog is ________ than the elephant. 4. Mary is 1.65 meters, and Lily is 1.6 meters. Lily is ________ than Mary. 5. Your story is ________ than Mike’s. 6. My desk is big, but her desk is ________ than mine. 7. Cathy is 35 kilograms, and Eddie is 40 kilograms. Cathy is ________ than Eddie. 8. The bear looks so ________. Lots of animals are afraid of it. 9. Sarah’s schoolbag is bigger than ________. 10. Joe’s pencil is 10 centimeters. My pencil is 20 centimeters. My pencil is ________ than Joe’s. 六、情景交际。(10 分) ( ) 1. 当你想说天气正变得越来越冷时,可以说: ____. A. It's cold. B. It's colder. C. It's getting colder and colder. 2. 当你想表达你是你们班个子最高的时,可以说: ____. A. I am taller in my class. B. I am the tallest in my class. C. I am the taller in my class. 3. 当你想知道教室有多大时,应该说: ____. A. How long is the classroom? B. How large is the classroom? C. How heavy is your brother? 4. 当你想告诉别人陈杰比你大时,应该说: ____. A. Chen Jie is younger than me. B. Chen Jie is older than me. C. Chen Jie is old. 5. 当别人问你喜欢哪个颜色的衣服,你想说你喜欢白色的那件时,应该说:___ _. A. I don't like white. B. I like the white one. C. I'd like the yellow one. 七、阅读理解。(20 分) (一) 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) There are forty-five students in our class. There are also two American girls. They are Jenny and Cathy. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English boy in our class. Her name is Tom. He likes playing basketball and he also likes swimming. He usually does his homework in the evening. He often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. He is my good friend. ( )1.There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class . ( ) 2.There are two American girls and one English boy in our class . ( ) 3. Jenny and Cathy are our good friends. ( ) 4. Jenny and Cathy like playing basketball. ( ) 5. Tom often does his homework on Saturday afterno

doc文档 Unit 1 How tall are you?(单元测试)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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