【分层训练】2022 年人教版 PEP 英语五年级下册 Unit4 第三课时练习 一,选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。 1.A.father B.maths C.mother 2.A.these B.there C.three 3.A.thank B.fifth C.this 4.A.thirteen B.they C.them 5.A.birthday B.those C.Thursday 二,写出下列数字的序数词形式。 1. three __________ 2. five _________ 3. two __________ 4. four ___________ 5. one _________ 6. twelve ________ 7. twenty _______________ 8. thirty ____________ 9. twenty-one ____________ 10. thirty-three ____________ 三,看图,补全句子。 1. We have a _______ on April 4th. 2. Cathy ’s birthday is on _______. 3. There are ________. 4. My sister is an _________. 5. The ______ is on the first floor. 四,单选题 1.---Are _______ dogs? ( ) ---Yes, they are. A.this B.that C.those 2.—What will they do on C hildren's Day? —__________. A.They will sing. 3.— B.We'll dance. [来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K] C. She will dance . is China's National Day?—It's on October 1st. A.How B.What 4.New Year's Day is on the A.three C.When day in January. B.first C.second 5.Today is ________. It's China's National Day. A.October 1st B.May 1 st C.August 1st 五,情景选择 1.下个月,约翰要举行一个生日聚会。他想知道你会不会参加时,会问:( ) A.Will you come to my birthday party? B.Will you have a birthday party? [来源:学科网] C.What will you do for my birthday party? 2.一位外国朋友想知道你在中秋节通 常做什么时,他会问: ( ) A.What do you never do on Mid-autumn Day? B.Where do you go on Mid-Autumn Day? C.What do you usually do on Mid-autumn Day? 3.爸爸问你母亲节是什么时候时,你应回答:( ) A.When is Mother’s Day? B.Happy Mother’s Day! C.It’s on the second Sunday in May. 4.假如有人问你什么时候开运动会,你想告诉他是五月五日,你可以说:( ) A.It’s on March 5th. B.It’s on May 5th. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 5.一个外国朋友想问你中国的国庆日是哪一天,这个外国朋友可以说:( ) A.How about China’s National Day? B.When is China’s National Day? 六,选词填空 1.There are _______ apple trees. (six, 6th) 2.Father’s Day is on the _____ Sunday in June. (3nd, 3rd) 3.It’s _____ o’clock now. ( two, 2nd) 4.My father’s birthd ay is on September _____ (12nd, 12th) 5.I have _______ eyes. (two, 2nd) 七,根据中文意思完成句子。 1.当 它们饿的时候,它们会发出噪音。     They _________ __________ when they are _____. 2.它们的眼睛睁开了, 是蓝色的。 _____ eyes are________. _____ ____blue. 3.你妈妈的生日是什么时候? When is __________ __________ __________? 4.小猫咪们会跟 Robin 一起玩了。 The __________ can __________ ________ Robin. 5.我的生日是十月一日。 My ________ is on _________? 八,阅读选择 Chen Jie: Tomorrow is Saturday. Let's go on a picnic. [来源:Zxxk.Com] Sarah: Sorry, I must stay at home. Chen Jie: What will you do at home? Sarah: I will read books. I will have a maths test. Chen Jie: Wh en is the maths test? Sarah: It's on July 2nd. [来源:Zxxk.Com] Chen Jie: Is it next Monday? Sarah: Yes, it is. 1.What day is it today? ( A.Saturday. ) B.Sunday. 2.What does Chen Jie want to do tomorrow? ( ) C. Friday. A.Read books. B.Go shopping. 3.What will Sarah do tomorrow? ( A.Read books. 4.When is the maths test? ( A.It's on next Tuesday. C.Go on a picnic. ) B.Have a maths test. C.Go on a picnic . B.It's on July 2nd. C.It's on June 2nd. ) 参考答案 一,BCCAB 二, 1. third 2. fifth 3. second 4. fourth 5. first 6. twelfth 7. twentieth 8. thirtieth 9. twenty-first 10. thirty-third 三, 1.birthday party 2.September 3rd 3.three sheep 4.English teacher 5.art room 四,CACBA 五,ACCBB 六,six 3rd two 12th two 七, 1. make noises 2. Their open They 3. your mother’s hungry are birthday 4. kittens 5. birthday 八,CCAB play with Oct.1st

doc文档 【分层训练】2022年人教版PEP英语五年级下册Unit4 When is the art show 第三课时练习(含答案)

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