月考 (范围 Lesson 7-Lesson 10 ) 基础训练 一、把下列短语与其对应的汉语意思连起来。 1.have breakfast 2.have bread and milk 3.drink tea A.谢谢你 B.吃面包和牛奶 C.喝咖啡 4.drink coke D.喝茶 5.thank you E.吃早饭 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.I don't like milk for b 2. Do you always have I 3. What do you like f 4.D at 12:00? supper? you usually drink juice? 三、根据汉语提示,将句子补充完整。 1.What day is it 2. What o'clock on 3. We have (今天)? (课) do you have at eight (星期一)? (没有课) on Saturday and Sunday. 4.Tom is talking to Lulu on the (电话). 能力提升 四、翻译下列句子。 1.Do you have Chinese lessons On Monday? 2. We have PE on Tuesday. 3.When do you have maths? 4.你们今天早上有音乐课 吗? 5.我们星期五有英语课。 五、按要求完成下列各题。 1.I have breakfast at 7:00.(改为一般疑问句) have breakfast at 7:00? 2. My parents like apples.(改为否定句) like apples. 3. They have rice and tomatoes for supper.(就画线部分提问) they for supper? 4. I usually get up at 6:30.(就画线部分提问) you usually get up? 六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a friend. His name is Bob. He is from London. He lives in Beijing now. His moth- er is an English teacher, every day her mother drives him to school. They are in the same school. They arrive at school at 7:45, Bob usually comes home early. But his mother arrives home late. His father is a doctor. He usually goes to work at 7:00. He always goes to work by car. He arrives home early. But today, they do not go to work. They have dinner at a restaurant. ( )1. What does Bob's mother do? A. She's a worker. B. She's a manager. C.She's an English teacher. ( )2. Where does Bob live now? A. Beijing. B.London. C.Paris. ( )3. How does Bob's dad go to work? A. On foot. B. By car. C.By bike. 4.Does Bob's mum go home early? A. No, she doesn't. B.Yes, she does. C.We don't know. 5.What does Bob's dad do? A. He's a manager. B. He's a teacher,too. C.He's a doctor. 答案 一、1.E 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 二、1.breakfast 2.lunch 3.for 4.D 三、1.today 2.lesson Monday 3.no class 4.telephone 四、1.你们在星期一有语文课吗? 2.我们星期二有体育课。 3.你们什么时候有数学课? 4. Do you have music class this morning? 5. We have English on Friday. 五、1.Do you 2. My parents don't 3. What do;have 4.What time do 六、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C

doc文档 月考 (试题)- 2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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