Unit7 Summer holiday plans 易错题 姓名: _________ 班级: _________ 一、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. The summer holiday is coming. They want to go to their country. 2 The third m _________ of the year is March. 3. My aunt wants to s _________ us some interesting stories. 4. To make my summer holiday interesting, I will make p _________ for it. 5. Many visitors like v _________ China every year. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I have _________ (much) things to do now. Tomorrow I _________ (busy) than today. 2. He _________ (visit) Beijing soon. 3. A: _________ Mike _________ (play) football this Saturday? B: No, he _________ . 4. Ben _________ (not work) here next month. He _________ (go) to Suzhou. 5. A: It‘s Friday today. What _________ she _________ (do) this weekend? B: She _________ (watch) TV and _________ (catch)butterflies with her friends. 6. Listen ,the birds _________ (sing) _________ (happy) in the tree. 7. I'm glad _________ (see) you again. 8. Miss Li _________ (teach) _________ (we) English next term. 9. The pair of shoes _________ (be) under the bed just now. But now they _________ (be) behind the door. 10. 1 _________ (be) tired. I _________ (go) to bed early tonight. 11. My sister and brother have different _________ (plan). They _________ (plan) for _________ (they) Chinese New Year now. 12. Wang Bing is _________ (real) happy, because he has a new toy car. 13. Welcome back _________ (home). East or west, home is _________ (good). 14. The _________ (travel) _________ (have) so many _________ (travel) books with them. 15. Sam is talking about the football match _________ (excite). 三、单项选择。 (   )1. A: Where is the morning newspaper? B: I it on the desk just now. A. put B. puts C. will put D. is putting (   )2. _________ films)is his favorite hobby. A. Watched B. Watching C. Watches D. Watch (   )3. How can we _________ there? A. get to B. go to C. get D. getting (   )4. _________ we go to work by metro? A. will B. shall C Will D. Shall (   )5. Nancy is talking _________ Miss Li _________ her plans _________ the weekend. A. about; to; at B. to; about; for C. to; with; for D. about, with, for (   )6A: Would you like something to drink? _________ . l'd like some ice cream. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I do. C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I will. D. Yes, I will. (   )7 The students _________ for their coming summer holiday how. A. is planning B. plans C. planned D. are planning 四、判断下面两句话是否一致, 一致的写"A", 不一致的写"B" (   )1. What are you going to do for the holiday? What's your plan for the holiday? (   )2. We will stay there for a month. We will spend one month there. (   )3. They are talking about their plans for the summer holiday now. They are planning for their summer holiday now. (   )4.Taking a plane there is not very safe. Going there by plane is not dangerous. 五、根据情景写句子。 1、你告诉你的朋友你的周末计划,然后你问他的计划,可以简单地问: 2、你的朋友想去游览许多地方,他问你想不想和他一起去,他可以这样问: 3、暑假快到了,你的同学们都有各自的计划,你想知道他们的计划,可以这样问: 六、选用适当词组,并用其适当形式完成句子。 talk about stay there want to be go......with be excited about show...to be happy get to play with have different plans for 1. The kids _________ the cartoon films very much. 2. A: How do you _________ your hometown? B: By plane. 3. The little boy _________ get a lollipop last weekend. 4. _________ your fingers in class. Listen to the teacher carefully. 5. Listen! The children _________ the toy cars excitedly. 6. The little girl _________ the lovely toy pig _________ her sister yesterday. 7. _________ the world is my dream. 8. When he was young, he _________ a swimmer! 9. We _________ the coming new year. I always _________ to the cinema _________ my parents when I was five. travel

doc文档 Unit7 Summer holiday plans (易错题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册

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Unit7 Summer holiday plans (易错题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 1 页 Unit7 Summer holiday plans (易错题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 2 页 Unit7 Summer holiday plans (易错题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 第 3 页
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