Unit 5 A party 测试卷 (B 卷 提升卷) 一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.know B.window ( )2.A.balloon C.how B.room C.good ( )3.A.clown B.follow C.down ( )4.A.appear B.pear C.ear ( )5.A.begin B.kite C.drive ( )6.A.slow B.now C.snow 二、根据中文提示,补全句子。 (带些零食)to the party. 1.I want to (扮演猴王)in the play? 2.Who would you like to 3.We 4.It was (将要办一次聚会)on Children’s Day. (一场有趣的电影). I want to watch it again. 5.Are you going to (讲一个故事)for us? 三、按要求写词。 1.children(名词所有格) 3.they(宾格) 5.late(反义词) 7.let’s(完整形式) 2.she(形容词性物主代词) 4.begin(第三人称单数) 6.story(复数) 8.balloon(复数) 9.bring(过去式) 10.buy(过去式) 四、单项选择。 ( )1.—When your father usually go to bed? —He usually to bed at 11:00. A.did; go ( )2.She’s going to some fruit A.bring; for ( )4.Here B.be C.being Jack’s house. B.take; with B.are they C.is a play at the party? A.Are; going to put on B.Are; going put on ( )6.His grandpa often takes a walk in the park A.this morning ( )7.I like . I’m going to ( )8.I will be minutes late for the film. Don’t wait B.a few; for ( )9.When you go to a Western party, you A.must be early your cousin me. C.a few; / C.can’t be late magazines from home next Monday? B.Will; bringing 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (read) books now. 2.There (be) some water in the glass. 3.Mike (have) a new bike. 4.My friends C.swim; swims . B.should take a gift A.Is; going to bring 1.Look! The girls C.in the morning this Sunday. B.swim; swimming A.a little; for C.Are; put on . B.next morning A.swimming; swim ( )10. C.bring; to some vegetables on the table. A.is ( )5. C.do; go a teacher. A.is ( )3.I want to B.does; goes (be) in the park yesterday. C.Will; going to bring 5.— (be) you Jack? —No, I (be) not. I 6.Wang Bing (be) Mike. (not brush) his teeth last night. 7.The children (be) going to draw some birds. 六、按要求完成句子。 1.He’s watching TV now.(用 tomorrow 代替 now) He TV tomorrow. 2.I’m going to draw pictures this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句) going to draw pictures this afternoon? 3.They’re going to dance at the party.(对画线部分提问) they at the party? 4.We’re going to the park next Sunday.(对画线部分提问) going to the park? 5.My sister and I often go to the park on Sundays.(改为同义句) My sister often to the park on Sundays. 七、完形填空。 Dear friends, Please come to my house for a welcome party for Lisa. Lisa is from the US. She moved here friend and neighbour(邻居). Her house is 1 2 her parents last week. She’s my new to my house. We usually go to school and go home 3 . Lisa is twelve years old. She’s beautiful. Her big She’s very 5 4 make her look lovely. too. She’s always willing to help others. We like chatting with each other because we have the same 6 : reading and listening to music. Lisa wants to make 7 with all of you. She can America in English. I believe you will be The party will 10 9 8 us about her life in with her because she is a cheerful girl. at 6:30 p. m. in my house on Saturday. We look forward to(期待) seeing you then. Yours, Betty ( )1.A.and B. from C. with ( )2.A.far B. next C. behind ( )3.A.early B. late C. together ( )4.A.eyes B. hair C. nose ( ) 5. A. careful B. helpful C. wonderful ( )6.A.age B. habits C. hobbies ( )7.A.toys B. friends C. cakes ( )8.A.tell B. say C. speak ( )9.A.sad B. angry C. happy ( ) 10. A. finish B. over C. begin 八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 It was rainy on Children’s Day. Li Tao sat in front of the window, watching the rain and people in the street. He saw many people with their kids. Parents talked and laughed happily. Children also played happily. But Li Tao was sad and lonely( 孤独 的). No one spent the holiday with him. His parents lost their lives in the earthquake( 地震) last year. Li Tao was so sad that he wanted to cry. Just at that time, the door opened and his neighbour. a 5-year-old girl named Jingjing, came in. She ran to him with a box in her hand and said, “Happy Children’s Day! Mum said every child should have a present. This is for you.” ( )1. How was the weather that day? A. Warm. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. ( )2. What did many people do in the story? A. They watched the rain. B. They talked and laughed happily. С. They sat at the window. ( )3. How did Li Tao feel before Jingjing came? A. Unhappy. B. Hungry. C. Angry. ( )4. Why did Jingjing come to Li Tao’s house? A. Because she wanted to get a present. B. Because she wanted to give Li Tao a present. C. Because she wanted to sing a song for Li Tao. ( )5. What do you think of Jingjing and her mother? A. Clever. B.

doc文档 【分层训练】六年级下册英语Unit 5 A party测试卷(B卷提升卷)译林版三起(含答案)

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