Unit 2 How do you come to school? Story time 第 1 课时 一、根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。 1.My school is f 2.Look at the t f my home. So I go to school b . It’s very long. 3.Nanjing is a big and beautiful c 4.I can see a big s . on the river. 5.My father goes to Beijing b p 6.There are many cars in the s . 7.Look! The m . in the sky(天空)is bright(明亮的). 二、根据中文提示,完成句子。 (上学)at 7:30. 1.My sister 2.The library is 3.I live (离我家远). (在月亮街). 4.Let’s go to Hainan 5.Jack’s father is a 6.Lily goes to the zoo 7.Ben m (乘飞机). (出租车司机). (步行). (住在阳光小镇). . 三、单项选择。 ( )1.My father often goes to work A.with ( )2.There is a foot. B.on C.in B.towns C.ocean park near the park. A.town ( )3.We will go to Beijing plane. A.by ( )4.I like the warm s pring C.on B.sun shine C.ice . A.snow ( )5.My home is B.in from my school, so I have to get up early. A.far ( )6.Look! That man is a B.near C.next B.drive C.driver . A.driving 四、从放框中选择合适的句子完成对话,其中有一项是多余的。 A.We’ll drive there. B.I have no classes today. C .How do we get there? D.What time is it, Dad? [来源:Z*xx*k.Com] E.It’s time to go to school. [来源:学§科§网] F.It’s too early. Dad: Get up, Karen! Karen: 1. Dad: It’s seven fifty, dear. 2. Karen: It’s Saturday, Dad. 3. Dad: Ha! Ha! I know, but we will go to the park today. Hurry up! Karen: Ah, I forget it. 4. Dad: 5. It’s too far from our home. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] Karen: Yeah! 五、将下列句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。 A.Yes. So I often go to school by bus. What about you? B.I live on Xihu Street, near the supermarket. C.Where do you live, Cindy? D.I usually go to school by bike. E.Oh, it’s far from your school. [来源:学科网 ZXXK][来源:Z*xx*k.Com] 答案 一、1.far from; by metro 2.train 3. city 4.ship 5.by plane 6.street 7.moon 二 、 1.comes/goes to school 2.far from my home 3.on Moon Street 4.by plane 5.taxi driver 6.on foot 7.in Sunshine Town 三、1-6BAABAC 四、1-5DEBCA 五、CBEAD

doc文档 【分层训练】五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 How do you come to school 课时(1)译林版三起(含答案)

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【分层训练】五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 How do you come to school 课时(1)译林版三起(含答案) 第 1 页 【分层训练】五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 How do you come to school 课时(1)译林版三起(含答案) 第 2 页 【分层训练】五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 How do you come to school 课时(1)译林版三起(含答案) 第 3 页 【分层训练】五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 How do you come to school 课时(1)译林版三起(含答案) 第 4 页
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