2021-2022 年译林版英语五年级 Unit1 核心素养单元检测 B 卷 考试时间:45 分钟 满分:100 分 第一部分 听力部分 一、听录音,将所听内容的序号填在题前的括号内。 ( )1.A. present B. picnic ( )2.A. mushroom ( )3.A. fairy ( )4.A. before B. behind ( )5.A. put on B. try on C. prince B. bedroom B. fat C. bathroom C. forest C. because C. take off 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符。是 T 否 F ( )1.Cinderella goes home before 12 o’clock. ( )2.I like my new house very much. ( )3.The fairy can help Cinderella. ( )4.The children like playing basketball. ( )5.The prince visits every house. [来源:学+科+网] 第二部分 笔试部分 三、翻译词组。 1.有害的___________________ 2. 童话故事___________________ 3.不得不___________________ 4.漂亮的衣服___________________ 5.摘一个大红蘑菇___________________ 6.不明白___________________ 7.看上去那么美味___________________ 8.太可惜了!___________________ 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. ________ (Mike) mother is a writer. She writes________ (story) for children. 2.— ________(be) you ________(迟到) for the party?—No, I’m not. 3. ________Sam________(have) any________(snack)? 4. A________(仙女)________(help) the girl. 5. —Can I have ________(some) paper and ________(some) crayons? —I want to make a kite. 6. Where ________ Lucy ________ (live)? She ________ in a small town. 7. —Why does Yang Ling________ (come) to school late? —Because her foot ________(hurt). 8. All the people________ (put)on their coats because it’s cold, but her sister ________(put)on a blouse. 9. Can I eat________ (they)? ________(it) are so yummy. I like eating ________(they). 10. Can your sister________(come)with________(we)? 五、选择题 1、( )—Do you have________ nice clothes ________ shoes? — No, I don’t. A. some; and 2、( B. doesn’t; for C. doesn’t; with )Because I don’t have ________ nice clothes ________ shoes. A. some; and 4、( C. any; or )—Why ________ he eat the mushrooms? —Because they're good ________us. A. does; for 3、( B. any; and B. any; or C. any; and )--There is a football match in the school. --Let’s go and _________ it. A. look at B. see C. watch 5、( )--Is the shoes right? --____________.It’s not too big or too small. A.Yes 6、( B. No )—I’ve got a fever. —__________________. A. Thank you. 7、( B. Great! [来源:学#科#网] C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. That’s all right. )Bobby________ some mushrooms________ a tree. A. find; under 8、( C. Sorry B. finds; under C. find; on )—I like PE very much. __________ — She likes Art. A. It’s interesting. B. How about you? C. How about her? D. Do you like PE? 9、( )—________ are you happy today? —________ it’s my birthday today. A. Why; Because 10、( B. What; So C. What; Because )I _______ go now. A.put on B.try on C.have to 六、情景搭配。 ( )1. Would you like some cakes? A. Put on your jacket. ( )2. Do you want to have some mushrooms? ( )3. Is it good for us? ( )4. I’m very cold. ( )5. Where are the mushrooms? ( )6. Can we eat some snacks? F. Let me tell him again. ( )7. You looks so beautiful today. G. No, it isn't. ( )8. My father doesn’t understand me. ( )9. Mothers can’t go to the party. ( )10. Why does she get up late? B. Thank you. C. They are over there. D. Yes, I do. E. What a pity! [来源:Zxxk.Com] H. Because she is ill. I. Yes, please. J. No, you can’t. 七、 用正确的形式填空。 1.He_________(draw ) a picture in his classroom now. 2.Liu Tao_________(have ) many _________(beautiful)_________(stamp). 3.On Sundays my mother_________(wash) clothes at home. 4._________you usually_________(play) the piano. 5.My aunt _________(not like ) taking photos. 6. Are you ________ (take) any medicine? 7. Sunday is the ________ (one) day of a week. 8. Hello! This is David _______ (speak). 9. Yang ling _______ (have) got a fever. 10.Her brother likes_________(draw) pictures. 八、联系上下文, 完成下列对话。 (一) A: It’s cold today, ________ ________ the sweater please. B: Thank you, mum. Let me ________ it on. A: Oh, it ________(合适)w ell. B: Great, I don’t want to take________, it’s nice. I like it. (二) A: I can’t go now, Sam. Because I'm too________. Do you have ________drinks? B: Yes. Here's________water. A: Oh, I don’t like water. I like soft drinks. A: Really? B: Soft drinks are________for us. B: Yes. ________ is good________us. A: OK. I want some water then. B: Here you are. 九、阅读判断,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。 It’s summer. The deer and the bear swim in the lake. They are happy. ‘I like summer.’ says the deer. ‘Why do you like summer?’ asks the bear. ’Because I can swim in the lake.’ It’s autumn. The deer and the bear go hiking. They eat a lot. Winter comes. The bear can’t skate. The bear sleeps at home. S

doc文档 2021-2022年译林三起版英语五年级下册Unit1核心素养单元检测B卷(含听力材料和答案)

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