2021-2022 年译林版英语四年级 Unit1 核心素养单元检测 B 卷 考试时间:45 分钟 满分:100 分 第一部分 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 ( )1.A.school B.subject C.Science ( )2.A.Music B.Maths C.Monday ( )3.A.Art ( )4.A.listen B.lesson ( )5.A.salad B.sad B.PE C.English C.fun C.subject [来源:学科网] 二、听录音,根据所听内容完成对话。 A: Good morning, Yang Ling. B: Good _________, Mike. A: _______ lessons do you _________ this morning? B: We have ________, _________ an d Science. A: What _________ do you _________? B: I like __________. It’s fun. What about you? A: Me too. B: Oh, it’s __________ __________ Chinese. Let’s go. A: OK. 第二部分 笔试部分 三、单词拼写 1.语文(课) ________ 2.数学(课) ________ 2.美术(课) ________ 3.音乐(课) ________ 5.科学(课) ________ 6.体育(课) ________ 四、根据句子意思和首字母填空 1. This is our new t _______ . Look, we have seven subjects. 2. We have A _______, C________ and S_______ in the afternoon . 3. It’s time for P______ . Let’s go to the p_______. 4. What s_______ do you like? I like English and PE. 5. W_________to my home. This is my mother. 五、选择题 1、( )--Do you have _______ toy cars? --Yes. I have _______toy cars. A. any, any 2、( C. for; to D. to; for B. have; on C. like; in D. are; on )The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair. A.on; in 5、( B. to; to )We_______two English lessons_______ Monday afternoon. A. have; in 4、( C. any, some )It’s time _______ go to school now. =It’s time ______school. A. for; for 3、( B. some, any B.in; on C.at; on D.in; in )当你问别人有多少门学科时, 你说: A. What sbujects do you like? B. How many subjects do you have? C. What sbujects do you have? 6、( )Welcome come back _______school, class. Welcome _______our school. A. to; for B. to; to C. to; at D. at; at 7、( )Yang Ling________ a Maths lesson today. A.is 8、( B.has )Art and Science ________ fun. A. is 9、( B. am C. are D. not )A:Are you a teacher ?B: Yes , _________. A: I am 10、( C.have B: I’m C: it is )We have a ________PE lesson_______a hot afternoon. A. fun; on B. funny; in C. funny; on D. fun; in 六、句型转换。 1、I like [Chinese and English].(对括号部分提问) ______ ________ do you like? 2、They have [Chinese and Science] this afternoon. (对括号部分提问) ______ ________ do they have this afternoon? 3、I like English.(改为否定句) I _____ like English. 4、Itˊs time for PE.(改为同义句) Itˊs time _____ ____ a PE _______. 5、we have [five] Maths lessons every week.( 对括号部分提问) _______ _______ Maths ______ do you have every week? 七、改错, 每个句子中有一处错误,请找出并在横线上改正 1. It’s time to English. ________________ 2. Mike, is that you mother’s purse? ________________ 3. Welcome back for school. ________________ 4. Mr. Zhang is not at the home today. ________________ 5.Let is go to the playground. ________________ 八、连词成句。 1、do, what, this, lessons, have, you, afternoon(?) ___________________________________________________________ 2. go, to, playground, let, him, the(.) ____________________________________________________________ 3. have, eight, we, at, school, subjects(.) _____________________________________________________________ 4. have, this, lesson, we, a, morning, Chinese(.) _____________________________________________________________ 5. and, playground, football, now, us, play, let, go,to,the(.) ______________________________________________________________ 九、阅读对话,判断对错。 A: Good morning. [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] B: Good morning. A. I’m Lili. I’m a new student B: My name is Wang Dong. Nice to meet you. A. Nice to meet you too. B. Welcome to our school. A: Thank you. I like my new school. B: Me too. Let's go to the classroom. A: All rig ht. Who's that woman? B: She is our English teacher, Mrs Fang. A: Oh. I see. ( )1. Li Li is a new student. ( )2. Wang Dong is a new student, too. ( )3. Li Li and Wang Dong are sister and brother. ( )4. Li Li and Wang Dong are classmates(同班同学). ( )5. Mrs Fang is their English teacher. 十、据短文对话, 选择正确答案。 Alice: Hello, Jane. Jane: Hello, Alice. Alice: How many subjects do you have this term(学期)? Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths. Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane? Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Maths. Alice: What subject do you like, Jane? Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice? Alice: I like Art, too. Jane: Oh, we like the same(同样的)su bject. Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week(星期)? Jane: Three. I like it. It’s fun. ( )1. Does Jane like Art ? A. Yes. B. No. ( )2. Do Alice and Jane like the same(同样的)subject? A. Yes. ( C. I don’t know (知道). D. She likes. B. No.

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