外研版(三起)五年级下册 Module4 阅读理解专项英 语试卷 一、根据短文,选出正确的答案。 Mr and Mrs Green have two children, a son(儿子) and a daughter (女儿). The son's name is Jim. He is fourteen. He likes playing football very much. Last Sunday, he put on his red football clothes and white football shoes, then went to play football with his friends. Their daughter, Kate, is twelve. She always helps her mother clean the room. She likes wearing blue trousers. Last Sunday she washed clothes at home. Whose clothes were they? The green dress was Mrs Green's. The white shirt was her father's. Whose white shoes were those? They were very dirty. They were Jim's. Kate washed them carefully. What a good girl! 1.Mr and Mrs Green have ________ . ( A.two sons daughter B.two daughters ) C.a son and a 2.Last Sunday Jim ________ with his friends. ( A.played football B.played basketball 3.________ is twelve. ( A.Jim B.Kate C.Jim's friend ) B.Mr Green's 5.The white shoes were ________ . ( A.Jim's C.went home ) 4.The white shirt was ________ . ( A.Mrs Green's ) B.Mr Green's C.Kate's ) C.Kate's 二、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 My name is Bob. I like animals very much. My favourite animal is the cat. But my mother doesn't like it at all. She likes dogs best. So we have a dog in our house. Its name is Lucky. It's a big yellow dog. It's very clever and lovely. Sometimes it makes me angry. But I like to play with it. We are good friends. Our family all love it very much. What about you? 1.Bob likes ___________best. ( A.tigers B.dogs ) C.cats 2.Bob's mother likes __________. ( A.cats ) B.dogs C.birds 3.They have a __________ in their house. ( ) A.cat C.tiger B.dog 4.The dog is __________. ( A.yellow B.big ) C.big and yellow 5.Sometimes the dog makes Bob __________. ( A.angry B.sad ) C.happy 三、阅读判断(T/F) Hi, I'm Qiqi. There is a big library near my home. There are lots of books, CDs and magazines in the library. I go there with my friends on Saturday and Sunday. We can read different books there. We can read e-books by computer as well. Yesterday we didn't have classes. My sister and I went to the library. We did a project about music. We found lots of information on the topic in different ways. We read some books and watched some CDs. We saw a film on the computer as well. Now we have some good ideas about music. We like the library! 1.There is a big library in Qiqi's home. ( ) 2.You can find some books about music in the library. ( 3.They did a project about science. ( ) ) 4.Qiqi and his sister found lots of information about music. ( 5.Now they have some good ideas about music. ( ) ) 四、阅读短文判断对错(T/F) Do you like to go to the library? We usually go to the library at weekends. There are many books and computers in it. We can read books or study on the computers. In the library, we can see some signs on the walls. We should stand in line when we go into the library. We can't eat or drink there. We can't talk loudly. We can't spit. We can't smoke. We can borrow books. But we must return books on time. 1.There are some signs in the library. ( ) 2.We can read books and borrow books in the library. ( 3.Do not stand in line when you go into the library. ( 4.Do not talk loudly in the library. ( 5.We can eat and drink in the library. ( ) ) ) ) 五、阅读判断(T/F)。 ZhangLei is my friend. He is a student. He is eleven. He lives in Shanghai. I often send postcards to him, and write an e-mail on a computer to him every week. I bought a present for him yesterday. It's a book about computer. I send it to him today. I think he can like it. 1.ZhangLei is my friend. ( 2.ZhangLei is twelve. ( ) ) 3.I write an e-mail on a computer to him every day. ( 4.I bought a book for ZhangLei yesterday. ( 5.I think ZhangLei can like this book. ( ) ) ) 六、根据短文内容,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。 There is a big library in the school. There are many books in the library. You can find all kinds of books there. The books about English are in Room A.The books about art are in Room B.The books about music are in Room C.You can find the books about computers in Room D.You can read the books in the library. And you can keep quiet. You can stand in line. You can take the books home, too. 1.You can find English books in Room A.( ) 2.You can find books about art in Room C.( ) 3.You can't find the books about music in the library. ( 4.The books about computers are in Room D.( 5.You can stand in line in the library. ( ) ) ) 七、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 How can we help the disabled(残疾的)people? Disabled people

doc文档 Module4阅读理解专项(试题)-2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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