Lesson15-16 ★随堂练习★ 一、翻译下列短语。 1. 我的朋友们 2. 海关官员 3. 棕色的箱子 4. 她的新护照 5. 上楼来 7. 这些旅游者 6. 一件漂亮的裙子 8. 黑白相间的狗 9. 一位丹麦女孩 10. 那些手提包 二、将下列名词变为复数形式。 1.handbag 5.house 9.mechanic 2.job 6.friend 10.blouse 3.book 7.passport 11.tomato 4.baby 8.umbrella 12.bus 三.选词填空。 passports they our officer friend 1.The customs is busy. 2. Are Swedish? 3.My is an engineer. 4. Come and see our . 5. hats are grey and black. yellow handbags watch are nationality 1. What are you? I am Frencvffrh. 2. Sophie has two . One is black,the other one is white. 3. Her is nice. 4. Our friends tourists. 5. These tickets are 四、改写句子。 1. These are buses. (改单数) 2. We can spell our names. (改单数) 3. This is an apple.(改成复数句) 4. Is he tourists? (改成单数句) 5. Is your friend a tourist, too? (改成复数句) 五、根据所给汉语完成句子。 1. 她是我的好朋友。She is _. . 2. 这是汉斯。他是德国人。 Hans. He is ______________. 3. 你母亲今天好吗?很好,谢谢。 your mother ________? _________, thanks. 4. 你是瑞典人吗?不,我不是。 Swedish? No, 5. 那些桌子是什么颜色的?What colour . ? 六、用 am ,is are 填空。 __________he your brother? Yes, he_________. His name _________ Alan. Excuse me, ____your name Smith? No, it ________ not. I ________John White. We __________students. Mr. Black __________our teacher. John and Tom _________ good friends. They __________ both Spanish. What colour __________ your umbrella? My umbrella ___ red and my sons’ umbrellas ___ black. 6. Which _________ your pencils? __________these your pencils? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【课后练习】 一.默写单词。 1. 海关官员_________ 5. 棕色的_________________ 10.橘色的________________ 2. 女孩_____________ 6. 护照___________________ 11.黑色的________________ 3. 护照_____________ 7. 旅游者_________________ 12.红色的________________ 8.灰色的 _________________ 13.这些(复数)__________ _______ 4. 朋友 __________________ 9.黄色的_________________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. (who) book is this? 2. How many (pear) are there on the tree? (that) trousers? 3. What colour are 4. Do you like these green 5. My father drives 6. -Tell me your (dress) ? (a) Italian car. (name) .-Lucy and Lily. 7. Are your cases? (this) 8. are Danish. (I) 9. Are these your ? (watch) 10. What colour your dresses? (be) 三. 翻译句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Are these your cases? Our friends are tourists,too. What colour are your ties? Whose passports are those? Our suits are brown. 6.请出示你的护照。 7.这些是你们的箱子吗? 8.这些地毯是黑白相间的 9.你的领带是什么颜色? 10.那个海关是瑞典人。 四、句型转换。 1. This is a black and grey shirt.(变复数形式) 2. Your passports, please.(完整句) 3. My friend is Norwegian. (变复数形式) 4. Their passports are in the room.(变一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 5. These are our cases.(变单数句) 6 They are teachers. (就划线提问) 7. They aren’t very busy. (变同义句) 8. What’s your father’s job?(变同义句) 五.单项选择. ( )1.-_______is this man? A. Who -He is a doctor. B. How C. What D.Where ( )2.-Are these your cases? -No, ( A.these )3. Tim is B.those C.they're American boy. A.a B. an C. the ( )4. aren't. D.they D.不填 are my friends. study in the same school. A. These; They ( B. That; They )5. -Is this an English car?- C. This; He D.They; It .It's a Chinese car. A. Yes,it is B. No,it isn't C. Yes,this is D.No, it isn’t ( ( ( ( ( )6.-Your passports.please. - . A. Here they are B. Here are they C. Here it is D. Here is it )7. What colour your suits? A. be B.am C.is D.are ) 8. What colour are your ? A.blouse B.dress C.ties D.coat )9.They are officers. A.custom B.customs C.custom's D.customs' )10-What are these?- A. They are boxes . B. These are boxes C. They are boxs D. These are boxs 六、完形填空. Miss Li is a teacher 1. English. She is not 2. her. But she is not old. She 3. a round face and black hair. She is tall . 4. are forty students in her class. They 5. her.Now,it's five in the 6. . 7. ,some students are studying in the 8. Miss Li is there,too. She is helping them 9. their English, She is a good teacher and a good friend of 10. all,too. ( )1.A.in B.on C.of D.for ( )2.A.short B. Chinese C.beautiful D.young ( )3.A.is B.has C.have D.is having ( )4.A. Here B. There C. Those D. They ( )5.A.all like B.likes C.likes all D.are like ( )6.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night ( )7.A. See B. Look at C. Watch D. Look ( )8.A.playground B.classroom C.home D.school ( )9.A.on B.of C.with D.in ( )10.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs ❤语法训练❤ 一.将下列名词变成复数形式。 computer ____________ 2.apple ____________ 3.city ______________ 4.house _____________ 5. brush _____________ 6.watch ______________ 7.tomato _____________ 8. key _____________ 9. class _____________ 10.foot ______________ 11.wife _____________ 12.potato ____________ 13.play _____________ 14.day _

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