2021-2022 学年六下英语第一次月考测试卷(外研版) 测试范围:Module1-3 满分:100 分 一,语音题。选出划线部分发音与其他不同的一项。(5 分) 1. A.cry B.fly C.city 2. A.cow B.blow C.how 3. A.look B.balloon 4. A.just B.duck 5. A.cola B.cashier C.soon C.use C.rabbit 二,选出每组中不同类的一项。(5 分) 1. A.egg B.cake 2. A.fall B.hungry 3. A.everything 4. A.careful 5. A.dancing C.stairs C.carry B.hamburger B.rainy C.kites C.sadly B.eating C.interesting 三,语法题:单项选择。(10 分) 1. Yesterday I had two_______. A. hamburgers 2. B.sandwich C.rices -When are we going to eat,Bob?-_____half past six. A. In B.At C.On 3.The children are doing______homework.______look happy. A.they ,They B.their,They C.them,Their 4.Look!He________in the classroom. A.sings B.singing C.is singing 5.Tom_______ a picnic tomorrow. A.is having B.has C.is going to have 四,根据括号单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.What do you want______(drink)? 2.It’s thirteen_______(dollar) and twenty______(cent). 3.Let me ______(take) them all. 4.Look!It’s going to_______(rain). 5.It will be__________(cloud) in Nanning. 6.The children________(look) hungry. 7.What are you going________(do) tonight? 8.Look!In this photo,the sun__________(shine). 9.I______(have) a lovely time yesterday. 10.The train_______(come) to the station now. 五,连词成句。(10 分) 1.much,is,the,how,hot,dog(?)____________________________ 2.want,hamburger,a,we,noodles,and(.)_____________________ 3.looks,you,going,it,like,are,stay,to,hungry(.)_________________ 4.snow,will,it,Beijing,in(.)____________________________ 5.are,looking,ducks,some,we,at(.)__________________________ 六,选择合适的选项,补全对话。(10 分) A:Hello!Peter 1______ B:It’s Saturday. A:Are you going to have a busy weekend? B:Yes,I am.I’m going to fly kites. A:2______ B:In the park. A:3_______ B:Yes,I am going to fly kites on Sunday morning. A:4_______ B:Of course. A:5_______ B:Subway station. A. What day is it today? B. Can I go with you? C. Where are you going to fly kites? D. Where are we going to meet? E. Are you going to fly kites on Sunday? 七,选择合适的单词填空,完成短文。(10 分) hot dog colas lunch noodles enjoying It’s twelve o’clock now.It’s time for 1_______. There are many students in the dining room.Mike wants a 2_________. He also wants two 3_____. Daming and Simon want to eat 4_________. Now they are 5_______their meals! 八,完形填空。(10 分) Dear Mr Smith, Today I see an ad( 广告).I know you 1_____two swimming teachers for your club on Sundays.I want tot be a(n) 2_____teacher.My name is June Smith.My 3_____name is June.I’m 20.I like swimming and I 4____swim well.I like kids and I am 5_____with kids.I can help them 6____swimming.I can also play 7____guitar.I like English and I 8_____English very well.My email address is june009@gmail.com. If I can 9_____in your club,please 10______me.My telephone number is 358-2698. Yours, June 1. A.have 2. A.swimming B.see B.piano C.need C.English 3. A.first B.family C.last 4. A.don’t B.can C.can’t 5. A.fine B.nice C.good 6. A.for B.to C.with 7. A.the B.a C.an 8. A.spell B.speak 9. A.am B.is 10.A.call B.meet C.tell C.be C.thank 九,阅读理解(20 分) A Man:Good morning!Can I help you? Mrs Green:Yes,please.What do you want to eat,Ann? Ann:A hamburger and some potato chips. Mrs Green:Anything to drink? Ann:A cola. Mr Green:Tom,what would you like? Tom:Just a cola. Mrs Green:No food? Tom:No,I am full.What do you want ,Dad? Mr Green:I want some rice,some fish and a cola. 1. How many people are there in the conversation(对话)? A.Three B.Four C.Five 2. Where do you think the conversation may happen? A.At school. B.At home. C.In a restaurant. 3. What does Ann want to drink? A.cola B.Tea C.coffee 4. Does Tom want to eat anything? A.Yes. B.No. C.I don’t know. 5. Mr Green wants to eat______. A.some potato chips B.some bread C.some rice and fish B It is sunny today.Simon is going to the zoo with his friends.He leaves home at half past nine and goes to the bus station.The bus station is near his home.He is going to meet his friends there at 9:40.The zoo is very far but the No 22 bus will take them there.They are going to see a lot of animals in the zoo. And they will have a lovely time. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 1. Simon is going to the park with his friends. 2. The bus station is very far from his home. 3. The No. 2 bus will take them to the zoo. 4. They are going to the zoo by bus. 5. They are going to see a lot of animals in the zoo. 十,书面表达(10 分) 根据表格信息,用英文描述以下三个城市明天的天气和孩子们的 活动安排。 Sanya Hangzhou Changchun Weather sunny,hot windy snow Activities swimming fly

doc文档 河南省焦作市孟州东关中心小学2021-2022学年六年级下学期第一次英语月考测试卷

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