【优选-提升卷】 六年级下册英语单元检测 -Module 2 Unit 5Crafts 沪教牛津版(深圳用) 满分:100 分 一、单选题(共 9 题;共 18 分) 1. Tom and Joe ____with toy planes. A.is playing B.playing C.are playing D.played 2.— What does Tony do? — _______________ A.I am a photographer. B.He is a photographer. C.She is a craftsman. 3. In the past, we ____our room with a broom. Now we can use the robot sweeper. A.swept B.sweeped D.sweeping 4. Cherry is drawing a picture____her mother. C.sweeps A.to B.for C.from 5.Tom needs two _____ to cut this paper and _____ gifts. A.a pair of scissor; make B.pair of scissors; made C.pairs of scissors; makes 6.—Are you making a present _____ your kid? —Yes, I have some______. A.with; papers B.for; paper C.of; paper 7.Whales are good at _____, but Lu Ban was good at _____. A.swimming; invent B.swimming; inventing C.run; invent 8.Yesterday, we were _____ to watch the _____ basketball match. A.exciting; excited B.excited; exciting C.exciting; exciting 9.Lu Ban was a _____. He _____ make a saw. A.craftman; can B.craftsman; can C.craftsman; could 二、音标题(共 1 题;共 5 分) 10.读一读,判断单词划线部分发音是否相同。 (1)A. pair B. where (2)A. hour B. tour (3)A. hear B. dear (7)A. fly (4)A. chair (8)A. cloud B. pair B. baby B. how (5)A. cheer B. there (9)A. tiger B. drink (6)A. grade (10)A. how B. name B. know 三、匹配题(共 1 题;共 4 分) 11. ⑴make a crown     ⑵make a toy plane   A.   ⑶make a model house   ⑷make a model car   B.   C.   D. 四、单词拼写(共 1 题;共 5 分) 12.根据课文内容填空。 Mr. Guo: What do you want to   Jill: I want to make a    , Jill? What do you want to need?  . I need a pair of    . Mr. Guo: What about you, Peter? What are you making? Peter: I'm   He    a toy plane for my brother.  playing with toy planes. 五、选词填空(共 1 题;共 5 分) 13.将所选内容的编号填写在横线上。 A. How B. How tall C. with (1)—   are you? D. How many —I'm 160 centimetres tall. (2)—   is your mother today? —She is not very well. (3)Lily is going to have a big dinner   (4)—   her family.  does it take to finish the painting? —It takes more than one hour. (5)—   people are there in your family? —Four. 六、用所给词适当形式填空(共 6 题;共 11 分) E. How long 14. Tim   15.Jill     (need) some brushes and scissors.   (want) to make a crown   16.Peter is     (make) a toy plane   17.Joe and Alice don't have   18.I'd like     her cousin.   his brother.   tape. They need     tape.(some)   (build) the house and I look at the drawings     (careful). 19.There're many     (leaf) on the tree. It has many     (tooth) on the leaf. 七、补全对话(共 1 题;共 5 分) 20. scissors sister glue want need It is an Art class,the students are making things. Peter:What do you want to make,Jane? What do you need? Jane:I  and a pair of    to make a kite.I   some cloth,some string,two sticks  . Peter:That sounds great.Who is it for? Jane:It's for my   .Her birthday is coming soon. Oh, I don't have any  .Can you give me some,please? Peter:No problem.Here you are. Jane:Thank you. 八、翻译(共 3 题;共 9 分) 21.我很喜欢这个礼物。     22.我想成为一名舞蹈家。     23.爸爸送了我一台照相机。     九、句型转换(共 4 题;共 4 分) 24.I want to make a doll.(就画线部分提问)   25.This is for my mum.(就画线部分提问)  26.Alice is making a pen holder.(就画线部分提问)          27.She needs a pair of scissors.(就画线部分提问)  十、完形填空(共 5 题;共 5 分) My name is Teddy. This is my 28. . There are 29. things in my room. I like making different things, such as model houses, paper rabbits and toy planes. My 30. birthday is coming soon, so I want to make a special thing for him. What do I need? First, I need 31. 32. cards. Then I go to the shop and buy and tape. Next, I cut cards into pieces and paint colours. Finally, I sticks them onto a toy plane. Is it amazing? 28.A.room B.art C.music 29.A.a B.an C.many 30.A.sister's B.brother's C.mother's 31.A.lot B.colour C.some 32.A.a pair of scissors B.a scissors C.scissor 十一、阅读理解(共 6 题;共 24 分) A How to make a paper plane? Children in primary schools like playing with paper planes after class. There are many different ways to make a little paper plane. Here is one of them. Materials Procedures one piece of A4 paper -Step 1: Lay the paper on the desk. Fold it in half. -Step 2-3: Open the paperback up. Fold the top two corners. -Step 4-5: Open the paper. We can see the crease(折痕). -Step 6-8: Find the point. Make from the two sides inward to each other, down to the middle crease. -Step 9-10: Fold both sides flaps down to make the two wings. -Step 11: Colour it and write your name on it. Try to create your own way to make a paper plane

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